
Elementary School Principal Leadership

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Bartoletti, J. & Connelly, G. (2013). Leadership matters. National Association of Secondary School Principals and National Association of Elementary School Principals. P. 2-12. This authors discuss the importance of a principal's leadership on the school and student achievement. They establish a link between principal leadership and student learning by discussing how leadership is second to classroom instruction and how leadership effects are largest when and where they are needed most. Principals affect leadership by shaping a vision, creating a positive climate, cultivating leadership, improving instruction, and managing people, data, and processes. Good principals can retain and hire quality teachers as well as manage their priorities and personal time to focus on the right things. Finally, the authors discuss the elements that stand in the way of effective leadership.
The key to becoming a successful principal is becoming a successful leader. A principal must wear many hats in their job so there is an overwhelming burden to become an expert in them all. The real key is to be a leader that understand their limits and is willing to ask for help and delegate when needed. We have spent a lot of …show more content…

There is a lot of research about how quality teachers will succeed in their first-year teaching if they have the proper support from the system. I can say from experience that I have lasted fifteen years at one school because of the two good principals that have supported me in and outside of the classroom. They have challenged me to be a better teacher and take risks in my teaching. They have also supported me in and out of the classroom and have utilized the gifts I have to better our school. That is how you retain teachers and what draws good teachers to you like a moth to a flame. Good leadership is the flame and makes people want to be around a good school

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