
Elie Wiesel Milkweed Quotes

Decent Essays

The plant Milkweed is a symbol of endurance, green in October as it is in July. the theme of the book should be: “When you own nothing it’s easy to let things go”. It’s a direct quote from the book. The main character who doesn’t know or care about the theme at first, thus leads himself to multiple conflicts. The main character developed stubbornness as a trait, this is how he contradicts the theme of the story, the plant milkweed is the guidance of moving forward. ( between pages.1- 60) It begins with a nameless antagonist whose our main character, from what we see after him stealing bread from the store. Shortly enough meets up with a new character named Uri who chased after him, but to reveal himself as a thief himself.. He invites the …show more content…

37- 126) Milkweed takes place between September 1939 to 2001, where the book was published when Jerry Spinelli considered “Today”. A German invasion happened on September 1st, 1939. After about 8 years Jackboots started taking over small towns, finding any Jewish looking/related person and setting them off into concentration camps. This was taken in a slowly matter. They did anything, by just painting the words “Jew” on bakeries/shops to even painting people with yellow and white paint, closing down businesses. “ It says Jew.” (…) So Nobody will come to their shop and buy from them.” (pg.37) This slowed down resources to cause depression in the economy. One example is when Misha takes more than he needs. Stealing too much bread that’ll go to waste. Uri improvised, He took the unneeded rations they had and gave it to the orphanage. Misha thought this was a weird, unusual idea, but now slowly gives in and becomes his new “thing” as he progresses in the plot. Misha oftenly smuggles gives half to either to the orphanage or to “independent orphans”. The other half to a Jewish family with the surname: …show more content…

The Jewish family soon gets taken to the other side of the wall, a slum area, the ghetto. Misha still follows his pattern, goes back and forth between the wall and the outside world by just a very small hole on the wall, only he can go through. Uri slowly leaves Misha behind by doing his own whereabouts since Misha is doing fine on his own. Slowly questioning the main character, he only focuses on what he’s doing. After spending months with mostly the Jewish family, he starts to realize the reality around him. He didn’t fit in with the Milgrom's,. In fact, his story didn’t suited him. He leaves his fabricated life to start over. “My identity as a Gypsy vanished. Gone were the seven wagons, seven brothers, five sisters, Greta the speckled mare. Deep down I guess I had always known my Gypsy history was merely Uri’s story, not reality. I didn’t miss it.. When you own nothing, it’s easy to let things go.” pg.104) He slowly thought less and less about the orphans and more to the Milgrom’s. Later the tables get turned. Janina who is more of a sister than a best friend, follows Misha everywhere he goes. She copies him, sets him up for failure, and seems more “needy” than she first seemed to be. From how Misha treated Uri by wandering off, causing trouble, creating more responsibility, is now being inflicted back to him from Janina. From a new character change, Janina is now

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