
Eligibility To Vote In Elections

Decent Essays

Eligibility to vote in elections is the focus for mostly all Americans. This is due to the fact that if someone does not meet the requirements, then they are not eligible to vote in the election. On the Votes PA website, it is stated that to be eligible to vote in Pennsylvania, one has to be: a citizen of the United States for at least one month before the next primary, special, municipal, or general election; a resident of Pennsylvania and the election district in which you want to register and vote for at least 30 days before the next primary, special, municipal, or general election; and lastly, has to be At least 18 years of age on or before the day of the next primary, special, municipal, or general election. Within the United States, rules and regulations for voter registration are all different in some ways. For example to vote in new jersey someone must be: A United States citizen, at least 17 years old, and understand that …show more content…

In Pennsylvania the Votes PA website stated that the deadline to register to vote it needs to be 30 days prior to each election. Places in Pennsylvania to vote are: State offices that provide public assistance and services to persons with disabilities, Armed Forces Recruitment Centers, or County Clerk of Orphans' Court offices, including each Marriage License Bureau. According to the state of New Jersey’s website, people who need to register to vote, can do so at: NJ Medical Assistance & Health Services Program, or Work First NJ Programs or WIC (Supplemental Food Program for Women, Infant & Children). Early voting in New Jersey and Pennsylvania are not the same due to Pennsylvania not having early voting and New Jersey having early voting. In New Jersey, early voting occurs in the satellite voting locations and an excuse for the early voting is not

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