Emma Watson is known to the world as the actress that plays Hermione Granger in Harry Potter but in July of 2014 (1) but on September 20 2014 when she gave her speech for a new campaign she said I was appointed as Goodwill Ambassador for UN Women six months ago.(2) Emma stated I am reaching out to you because we need your help. We want to end gender inequality and to do this we need everyone involved. (2) Emma Watson began her speech by asking for help from not only women like most would assume since gender inequality is generally directed towards women but instead she asked help from everyone. Emma said I decided I was a feminist--and this seemed uncomplicated to me. But my recent research has shown me that feminism has become an …show more content…
I’ve seen young men suffering from mental illness, unable to ask for help for fear it would make them less of a men -- or less of a man.(2) When Emma states that she has seen her father’s parenting role valued less than her mother’s makes the listeners stop and think about how either their own parenting role is viewed by society or how their parents roles were viewed. It is nearly impossible to argue against something when so many people see these clear problems every day, especially when these issues occur in a lot of the listener's own families.
Emma Watson begins to speak of facts when she stated that in fact, in the UK suicide is the biggest killer of men between 20 to 49 -- eclipsing road accidents, cancer, and coronary heart disease.(2) It is impossible to argue with facts so when Emma Watson informs her listeners that the UK’s biggest killer of men ages 20 to 49 is suicide it forms a question of why are these men not getting help? This is where gender inequality is proven, men feel like they cannot go get help in fear that it makes them look weak and like less of a man. As Emma Watson said in her speech; Both men and women should feel free to be sensitive. Both men and women should feel free to be strong. It is time that we all perceive gender on a spectrum instead of two sets of opposing ideals. If -- If we stop defining each other by what we are not and start defining ourselves by who we are, we can all be freer and this is what HeforShe is about.
“In their speeches, Watson and Ocasio-Cortez use pathos to persuade their audiences of their arguments. Watson uses pathos to persuade her audiences that sexism negatively affects both men and women, and in order to relieve society of its harmful effects, men and boys should be advocates for gender equality. Watson utilizes pathos to illustrate to the audience that feminism is far from a concept that is anti-men. Watson explains that she personally has seen “ young men suffering from mental illness unable to ask for help for fear it would make them look less macho – in fact in the UK suicide is the biggest killer of men between 20-49 years of age.[she’s] seen men made fragile and insecure by a distorted sense of what constitutes male success. Men don't have the benefits of equality either.”
Emma Watson uses ethos to convince the audience that she is a credible source. Towards the beginning of her speech, Watson explained that her, “girlfriends [dropped]... out of sports…”(1) because appearing muscly would not fit their gender stereotype. Watson mentions her personal experience to make her credible. By mentioning this, people will know why she is familiar with feminism. Since she has experienced gender inequality firsthand, she knows why feminism is necessary and more people will find her as a reliable source. Later in her speech, she mentions a speech made by Hillary Clinton in 1997.
She talks about how she has seen men unable to ask for help because they did not want to look weak or vulnerable, “I've seen young men suffering from mental illness unable to ask for help for fear it would make them look less ‘macho’-” (Watson 21) She says this because she is trying to show that it may not be obvious, but men are sexualized too. She aso talks about how men do not have to feel the need to act certain ways and make women feel the need to act the opposite, “If men don't have to be aggressive in order to be accepted women won't be compelled to be submissive.” (Watson 23) Watson is saying that men and women should not have to act a certain way just to “fit in”.
Emma Watson main claims are that men must also be involved to gain gender equality, she also focuses on defining the word She also feminism, and it effects the social stigma. She also talks about how women are not the only one who are being hurt by the gender inequal, but men are also being affected by it. Her last claim is that “if not her hen who”, she’s pointing out that everyone has to stand up to end gender
Such a perspective to view women as the oppressors help reveals the reality men are facing every day. The rise of feminism and women’s expectations of men has caused them to experience emotional stress. Male activists claim that “anti-rape campaigns that stigmatize all men as potential rapists, to pedagogical strategies that favour the learning style of girls and women, and the explicit
For my response photoshoot, I decided to use already existing celebrity portraits as the cut out beauty standard because I felt that this was a simple way I could show what society deems as the 'ideal woman.'
Her extrinsic ethos is strong. As a well-educated woman who has been world-widely famous for starring in Harry Potter, she has been dedicating her efforts towards the empowerment of young women and also succeeds in confirming her credibility to her audience through siting experiences she has endured relating to the gender-equality issue at hand. Moreover, the audience’s response and expectation should not be neglected during writing. At first glance, it seems that the audience are women who is always considered as disadvantaged group and Emma spoke for them and encouraged them to seek gender equality. But, it is not true. As the campaign’s name suggests, Emma’s speech with the emotional and informal tone and language is to divert public attention and persuade males to be awareness of the importance of getting male involved in helping to end gender
After 1860s in the Prostitution and Social Purity in the 1880s and 1890s, Emma Liggins talks about the power from the Contagious Diseases Acts granted to the police to apprehend women of unknown virtue in the streets and insist that they be medically examined and locked in the hospital. After this act was removed prostitutes had more freedom to roam the streets. Variety of prostitute activities either made her an innocent victim of male lust or as a demon and contagion of evil. Women seen as innocent victims of male lust, they were a medical threat and police tyranny were felt to be appropriate objects of consideration those women who fell outside this classification were branded as shameless, degraded and evil, not deserving of a feminist's
However, something we often fail to realise is that although we may support equality, we tend to pick and choose what suits us. Popular and major aspects of equality such as racism and gender equality are widely supported, but the finer details of those aspects are constantly overlooked. When we say we support gender equality, we empower women, support them and allow equal opportunities - which is the right thing to do as it allows women their basic human rights. However, the smaller and less talked about aspects of gender equality are overlooked. If we are raising awareness and providing support for female victims of abuse, why aren’t we doing the same for male victims of abuse? We have to overcome the stigma of males, only being the perpetrators of abuse, in order to allow our world to flourish - and that begins with recognising and accepting the human emotional needs in men. Just as the solidarity campaign, HeforShe states - ‘Emotions are not bound to one
She is one of the world’s most famous feminists in the twenty-first century. Since the age of eight, Watson has experienced gender-based assumptions that prepare her for a life of ridicule and degrading. She incorporates habit one in her life at the age of 14 when the press would start to sexualize her. Living a proactive life, her “expressions are seen as too strong, too aggressive, isolating, anti-men, and unattractive” (qtd. in Watson 1). In her speech, she describes what her goals are and what her rights should be. Watson began her journey with the end in mind, similar to the lesson habit two teaches. Her goal is to have equal rights for women and men
Feminism, what is it? And how does it affect our society today? Feminist Emma Watson’s moving speech ‘Gender equality is your issue to’ tells us feminism isn't just a thought, it’s a true problem. Feminism is a topic known to many, but rejected by most of society. Watson shows her audience true emotion (Pathos), dedication, and love throughout her speech. She gives a clear aspect of feminism, making her listeners engaged into the topic, wanting to know more (Logos). She invites others into her ideas to ensure that she does not stand alone in this feminist movement (Ethos). Emma Watson is a true feminist trying to make a difference, persuading the audience, pouring her heart out, and believing in the world to join her in her free community.
In eighteenth century which feminist in social status was not popular by that time, author can only through literature to express her thought and discontented about society. Jane Austen’s Emma advocates a concept about the equality of men and women. Also satirizes women would depend on marriage in exchange to make a living or money in that era. By the effect of society bourgeois, Emma has little self-arrogant. She is a middle class that everyone could admire, “Young, pretty, rich and clever”, she has whatever she needs. She disdains to have friends with lower levels. However, she is soon reach satisfaction with matchmaking for her friend. Story characterizes a distorted society images and the superiority of higher class status. It
What mainly gave rise to Watson addressing this topic was her emotions attached to the burdens people have felt because of gender inequality. Watson used pathos, an appeal to emotion, to grasp the audience’s attention. Watson provides examples of events in her own life such as, “When at 14, I started to be sexualized by certain elements of the media,” which has helped spark her interest in taking steps to end gender inequality (Watson). Watson provided numerous examples of other women, “When at 15, my girlfriends started dropping out of sports teams because they didn’t want to appear muscly,” as well as examples of males (Watson). Watson recognizes the fact that men are typically less likely to join in the fight for gender equality. In order for Watson to later “invite” men to join the
Bothe speeches were delivered at the United Nations headquarters in New York. Emma Watson, at the age of 24, launched a campaign called “HeForShe” on September 20, 2014. She is the UN Women Goodwill Ambassador and she was cohosting this event when she gave the speech. She is a famous British actress and has been advocating for gender equality.
Watson recalls a time from when faced the unsatisfactory of assumptions of young women, when she said “at age [fourteen] I started being sexualized by certain elements of the press” also when her peers began to submit towards the societal intimidation which placed upon them saying, according to Watson, “When at [fifteen] my girlfriends started dropping out of their sports teams because they didn’t want to appear “muscly.”” Watson shared these illustrations to allow her audience to be familiar with someone who has been a target to gender inequality. Without seeing the matter of gender inequality, the problem can be very blind at times; without actually viewing it through the human experiences, it can be lost to statistics and generalizations. Personifying the matter allows it to strengthen the sympathy and compassion from the audience to be felt for the speaker.