
Emotion In Kate Chopin's The Awakening

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There are many ways to evoke an emotion, but one of the strongest and most effective way is visiting a location that holds sentimental meaning. Many of us have places where we feel peaceful, or even lost and this is because of the events that occurred there and the people we were with. A person and their entire attitude can change with a new scene, and this is a crucial theme in The Awakening. Chopin expresses the idea that each character can have a new life in a different part of the world, and this is something I believe strongly. The story starts in Grand Isle, a vacation away from the Pontellier’s normal house. Edna likes the time away from her normal, time-consuming life and spends her days in leisure with her good friend Adele. The island was a safe place, and Edna felt like she could relax there. Her thinking became more free and open and because of this she was more relaxed as a person, the island she was on helped her find herself. She learned her freedom and started expressing …show more content…

One of the most apparent causes for her complex transformation was the locations, and the differences between these two help Edna open her eyes to the new way of thinking she develops. Going from a very controlled, socially and politically observant society to a free and easy thinking environment did well for her transition. With the help of Adele and Robert, Edna becomes a changed woman and starts to take what she wants. She is a very quiet and smart person who thinks before she speaks, until she goes to Grand Isle. After she has her love affair with Robert and has a moment of clarity in the sea, Edna is not the same person she was before. One could say her actions were selfish, others would say they were the only way she knew how to react to the feelings she was

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