
Emperor Penguin Research Paper

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Emperor penguins

In one of the most often inhospitable environments, with 98% of the land covered in ice, winds ranging from 8 kilometres an hour to 64 kilometres an hour, fluctuating climates that potentially reach incredibly cold temperatures down to -89 degrees Celsius, continuous daylight during summer, and storms such as blizzards where winds vary up to 200 kilometres per hour, that arrive rapidly in which potentially cause incredibly contrasting weather patterns within relatively short distances, lives the Emperor Penguin. Consequently, the Emperor Penguin has many phenomenal and useful adaptations that ensure the penguin is able to sustain life in such a challenging, unfavourable environment.

The Emperor Penguin can only be found …show more content…

The Emperor Penguin can potentially spend up to 75% of their lives inhabiting in the water, and therefore has multiple necessary adaptations to ensure that it is able to sustain life while doing so. Swimming adaptations for penguins are essential as many predators inhabit the surrounding sea. The Emperor has a streamlined body shape and when in water the penguin hunches its head into its shoulders, this reduces drag in a dense medium such as water, which consequently means that the penguin is extremely agile in the water. The penguin’s tale has also adapted to be a useful aspect of their body as it is able to aid steering while swimming. Emperor penguins also have favourable aspects to their wings. Their wings are shaped similar to that of paddles/flippers and resemble the movement of wings of a bird flying through the air, consequently, the penguin can appear to be “flying” underwater. The muscle development within the penguin's wings and breast is very advanced, this aspect of their body structure, along with the penguins webbed feet, therefore helps to propel the bird throughout the water. Another particular adaption that the penguin has is that its bone is relatively dense, this ensures that the penguin is able to stay submerged as it acts against buoyancy. It is estimated that the Emperor Penguin in …show more content…

Emperor penguins tend to hunt for quick, midwater squid as well as fish and therefore they need to be capable of diving to relatively deeper and remain submerged for longer period of time, in relation to other penguin species. Emperor penguins can dive to depths of approximately 550-565 metres towards the sea floor which is known as the “twilight zone “where less light is able to penetrate the surface of the water. Emperor penguins are also able to hold their breath for approximately 22-27 minutes. Both of these aspects enable the emperor penguin to stay submerged in the water and locate a source of food that other penguins cannot. Therefore, both swimming and diving adaptations are vital to the Emperor penguin’s ability to sustain life for the adult and newly born Emperor penguins, as without them it would be much more difficult for them to survive their surroundings without a food

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