
Penguin Lab Report

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Discussion of Results The discussion of the calculations made will include the graphs of the data to make the results more visual. The goal is to see in which of these areas: pressure differentials endured, joint mobility, resistance to bending moments, approximate density, and wingspan ratio; do puffins characteristics exist within the pelican and the penguin. Again it must be stated that many of the calculations were under the assumption that we can model all puffins as an Atlantic puffin, all penguins as the Emperor penguin, and all pelicans as the American white pelican.
The pressure calculations found are shown in Figure 3. This figure clearly shows that the penguin withstands the largest pressure differential, with the pelican’s differential …show more content…

Due to their movement through a denser medium, the amount of range required is less to produce the same amount of propulsion forward.
Meanwhile the pelican, non-diving flier, and the puffin, diving flier, are reasonably close in the four joints. The location where the diving fliers do slightly outperform the non-diving fliers is the flexion of the forearm. This could be attributed to locomotion in water needing the forearm to reach a different location than in flight, suggesting that perhaps the range of motion of the penguin and pelican do not overlap much, and the puffin manages to reach all of them.
The resistance to bending measurement is an interesting calculation because it will show just how pressure a bone will feel from a bending moment. The only way to really show a reasonable comparison in strength of the bones in resistance to bending moment was by assuming the same outer diameter and length. A penguin, of much larger size would out perform a small puffin without question if we did not scale the bones to the same …show more content…

Example being the little blue penguin for a non-flying diver and a crow for a non-diving flier. The intent of this analysis was to compare the puffin to the two extreme cases, however a study closer comparisons may be of better use. A very wide range of studies could be performed on the comparisons, between these birds. These could be the lung capacity, to show just how much the diving birds can hold in comparison to non-divers, and see how the puffin contends, the type of feathers seen on flyers verse non flyers compared to the puffin, or the aerodynamics as they fly or dive and how the puffin competes. It is important to keep in mind throughout the discussion of comparison between birds, that there are adaptions that are made for reasons other than optimizing motion. For example the penguin has to survive in very cold conditions, part of the reason their body shape has adjust to more torso and less limbs may be to keep themselves warmer throughout the colder seasons. The pelican have adapted for shallow plunges into water to grab a mouthful of fish. Due to the variations of birds it would be impossible to find a set that are not impacted evolutionarily by outside sources, so perhaps the best way to continue the test would be to use as many species as

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