
Essay on Empowering IBM End Users Through Self-Service

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Contemplating on how to make IBM End Users feel confident, assured, and empowered through self-service IT Support

End Users don’t want to learn how to use the support site, they just need to use it to resolve the issue at hand and move on. Displaying a large amount of information to End Users on the support home page will just overwhelm them and make them feel helpless. The user is more likely to try to get help by seeking an assisted support channel that is more expensive for the company

Below are few of best practices widely used in the industry….

Make it easy to find and use:
• Focus on design simplicity for your self help website
• Understand the content most often used by visitors, place this content prominently, and you’ll get a …show more content…

Make all your content readable at no more than an eighth-grade reading level, such that the average 14 year-old can make sense of the information.

Make sure that the self help content is easy to read and to the point. End Users will likely quickly scan and flip between pages, to locate the information they are after. Enriching your content with impactful pictures, graphics, video, bullet points, and bolded text has the effect of forcing the user to glance at these elements when scanning the page, and likely increase their engagement.

Content written in plain language will increase the effectiveness of the content and will also make it easier to translate content to other languages. The more complex the language, the more likely it will be poorly translated or misinterpreted particularly when using automated translation tools.

Offer Multichannel Choice:
Depending on the business climate and need you can to pick the channels you want to offer your End Users. Make sure you provide a unified experience across multiple channels to delivery the best of breed End User experience.

Web self-serve support. Directing interactions that are low in complexity but high in volume to the Self Help Site will result in high self-service rates. End Users will be able to resolve their problems quickly and effectively while significantly lowering costs.

Social Support (Community’s & Forum’s). Leveraging the collective

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