During WWII a rich German man by the name of Oskar Schindler owned a company, which still stands today, called Enamel Factory. In that factory he had 1000 Jews working for him. When the Jews were gathered up and sent into the camps, Schindler’s Jews sent also, by a faulty. They weren’t supposed to be sent away. So Oskar, and his trusted Accountant, Itzhak Stern, also Jewish, came up with a plan to save his “company” as he excused, but was really saving lives! He did some string pulling, which took a long time, and sold (or bribed) his way into getting those people back. By the time Germany was bombed, Schindler being a former Nazi, was hunted down by the Nazi Party. He had to leave Germany, and when he did the 1000 Jews made him a ring, Oskar,
CONFLICT AND RELEVANT BACKGROUND Oskar Schindler faced many conflicts in his life. The main conflict he faced was overcoming the Nazis and saving over one thousand Jewish People. Schindler, with out a job at the time, joined the Nazi Party and followed on the heels of the SS when the Germans invaded Poland. This is when Schindler took over two previously Jewish owned companies that dealt with the manufacture and sales of enamel kitchenware products and opened up his own enamel shop right outside of Krakow
To his own detriment, Oskar Schindler relentlessly protected Jews in spite of the world around him. Thus, the notion that determinism trumps agency is an insult towards those who actively opposed the crimes committed by the Nazi Party. To claim that the German people were helpless brainwashed bystanders and prisoners to their predetermined fate devalues the efforts of those like Schindler who resisted and rebelled against the Nazis. As Elie Wiesel suggests, innocent bystanders do not exist. Each
Oskar Schindler In April 28, 1908 in Zwittau, Moravia, a province of the Austro- Hungarian Monarchy, Oskar Schindler was born. Oskar was born to his father and mother, Hans Schindler and Louisa Schindler. Additionally, he had a sister named Elfriede Schindler. His father owned a farm- machinery factory, and his mother was a stay at home mom. As he grew up, Oskar received his education at a German- language school in Zwittau. As a teenager, Schindler worked under his father and sold farm equipment
Oskar Schindler grew up in a prosperous Catholic family with all the privileges money could buy. He grew up to be a German industrialist, spy, and a member of the Nazi Party, who outwitted Hitler and the Nazis to save more Jews than any other from the deathly events of World War॥. With the help of his wife, Emilie Schindler, Oskar Schindler saved the lives of 1,200 Jews during the Holocaust by employing them in his ammunition and enamelware factories, spending millions bribing the SS, and eventually
Oscar Schindler Oskar Schindler would never have been anyone’s ideal savior, especially for the Jewish community. He was an open member of the Nazi party, a womanizer, a gambler, an alcoholic, and was extremely money hungry, but was successfully able to rescue and save from death over twelve hundred Jewish men and women. Schindler was born on April 28th, 1908 in Zwittua, Czechoslavakia. He was born Catholic and into a wealthy family, but started early on a life of sin. In 1930 he moved to Poland
Jewish during the Holocaust? That is who Oskar Schindler was. He grew up in Germany, and was hired as a Nazi. However, when he saw what the Nazis were doing to the helpless Jewish, he made his own factory where Jews that worked for him would never get hit, yelled at, or murdered. Oskar Schindler is a hero because of his humanitarian efforts. He was an unquestionably a commendable man because he risked his life to save countless Jews, hired them to work in his factory, and fed them well. Along with that
of them were Jewish. Oskar Schindler was an entrepreneur who sacrificed himself for a cause he believed was unjust. He spent most of his life around Germany in Europe. During the Holocaust, he saved over 1,200 people from the gas chambers. There are some people who don’t think of him as a hero, but as a man looking to make an easy dollar. In my opinion Oskar Schindler was a hero of the highest class and deserves all the credit he received for his actions. When Oskar was born in 1908, no one
Oskar Schindler, a name very dear to many Jewish families. A man with a significant stance in the history of WWII. A man, who found so much kindness in his heart, he helped over 1,000 jews avoid death. Born in the Czech republic in 1908, he was an ethnic German, and catholic. Having a fairly easy, and wealthy life, he grew to be a semi-successful entrepreneur. He eventually joined the Nazi party to gain even more business opportunities than the average man. Eventually, pushing his way through business
personal journey of the novel's main protagonist Oskar Schindler, and his metamorphosis from an ambitious self absorbed tycoon into the bringer of salvation for some 1,100 jews during the horrors of the holocaust. Oskar is considered by many as a handsome young playboy with a silver tongue and charisma to spare he plans on making his fortune by taking advantage of the economic climate of world war 2 and aligning himself with the nazi party. Oskar however has no ill will toward the jewish people and
Ray Jones explores the concept of “amenity potential,” which explains how one’s access to resources gives them opportunities to allocate those resources based upon legal and market constraints. In particular, he thoroughly inspects the case of Oskar Schindler, a man who abided by all of the rules set by the Nazi Party, yet still managed to save over 1,100 Jewish workers under his care. While Schindler’s early actions could be easily explained economically, as time progressed, his choices shifted in
there were a lot of positives that came along with the war that are not so often recognized. One of these amazing acts during the war came from an ordinary man named Oskar Schindler. Oskar Schindler was an Austrian businessman born in Zwittau, Moravia, on April 28, 1908. During the years leading up to and during the war, Schindler lived in Krakow, Poland. While living there he became good friends with the German high army and SS (Schutzstaffel) officials. They ended up approaching him and asking
and Branko Lustig. The movie was based on the Holocaust, during World War II and is the true story of Oskar Schindler who saved more than 1,100 jews during the holocaust and how horrific the holocaust was. Germany, 1939. The German Army has just overtaken Poland. The German Government has ordered all Polish Jews to register their families and report to the Krakow Ghetto. I am Oskar Schindler; I am a wealthy and charismatic industrialist from Germany and a Member of the Nazi Party. As the German
hands of the Nazis. There were a few, however, that fought the views of Adolf Hitler and attempted to save some of the victims of his cruelty. One of the greatest of these is Oskar Schindler. Oskar Schindler has been described as a crook, an alcoholic, and an insatiable womanizer. All of this may very well be true, but this factory owner was a hero to many Jewish men, women, and children. When those Jews were shipped to the concentration camp Plazsow, he would make the famed Schindler's list. This list
and unassuming individuals. One such hero is Oskar Schindler, a German industrialist who spearheaded an effort to protect his Jewish factory workers from the uncertain fate of the
definitely a hero, that someone is Oskar Schindler. Oskar is a hero to over 6,000 Jews currently living across the United States and Europe. Schindler was an normal man with an unreal power that he used to save 1200 human lives during the Holocaust of World War II. What was his motivation for saving so many Jews? More