
Endosymbiosis and evolution of Organelles Essay

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Endosymbiosis is important as it enables us to understand the evolution of eukaryotes from the common ancestor. This essay will focus on: the early evolution of our eukaryote ancestor during Precambrian period, plastids origin along the algae family due to second endosymbiosis; discuss the evidence that supports the theory, including further examples of endosymbiosis. The theory, as discussed by Lynn Margulis, states that mitochondria originated from α-proteobacteria bacterium which was engulfed by the ancestral anaerobic eukaryotic cell, through endocytosis, and retained within the cytoplasm due to atmospheric oxygen increase. Prokaryote organism produced ATP, through oxidative phosphorylation, by receiving organic compounds from …show more content…

They all have a double membrane chloroplasts, but the glaucophytes plastid morphology is unusual because it resembles cyanobacteria, as they still include the outer peptidoglycan layer between the chloroplast envelopes, and also resemble Chlorophyta and Rhodophyta plastid. Both Rhodophyta and Glaucophyta consist of various features that are derived from the cyanobacteria but absent from Chlorophyta. These are phycobilins pigments and phycobilisomes on the surface on thylakoid membranes. Because of sequencing algae chloroplast genomes it is evident that glaucophytes, rhodophytes and chlorophytes have evolved from a second endosymbiotic event, since they are closely related to the ancestral cyanobacteria (Tomitani, 2006). Alternatively, some algal groups have chloroplast with more than a double membrane, such as photosynthetic dinoflagellates and stramenophile, implying that secondary endosymbiosis occurred due to heterotrophic eukaryote engulfing chloroplast containing eukaryote. The secondary endosymbiosis event is suggested as nucleomorphs’, traces of primary host’s nucleus, are present in the periplastid space between the second and third chloroplast membranes of cryptomonads and chlorarachniophytes. In the cryptomonads the nucleomorphs is formed due to the reduction of red algal nucleus and in the chlorarachniophytes due to the reduction of green algal nucleus. Thus, plants had multiple endosymbiotic events and each evolved independently

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