
English As Foreign Language Classes

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1. Introduction
This material is designed for English as foreign language classes in China. The target learners are senior high school students, aged around 17. There are 20 students in the class and the gender is half female and half male in order to keep the gender balance. The most of students are going to enter the university and the majority aim of learning English is for the College Entrance Examination and improvement of communicative competence. And this material could be organised for three or four hours of teaching.

This teaching unit mainly contains four parts, listening, reading, speaking and writing. Vocabulary and grammar are also included in this unit. Input is always very important in language learning so that …show more content…

2. That the learners are affectively and cognitively engaged
Bell and Gower (as cited in Tomlinson, 2013, p.97) clearly stated that they greatly desired engaging content for their writing. According to Mishan and Timmis (2015, p.10), motivation is one of the most important aspects for language learning success so that it could be involved in language learning materials. The aspects of affective and cognitive areas might be concerned in motivation (ibid, p.11). In addition, affective and cognitive engagement could be promoted for second language acquisition (Tomlinson, 2013, p.99). It is said that affective engagement can help learners to gain more communicative competence than those normal materials (Tomlinson, 2013, p.12). Motivation could be equal with intrinsic interest and is an essential factor for language acquisition (Mishan and Timmis, 2015, p.11). Jalongo (as cited in Tomlinson, 2013, p.64) presented, “motivation and interest have a profound influence on academic achievement”. Moreover, Arnold and Brown (as cited as Mishan and Timmis, 2015, p.12) stated, affective factors in language learning can refer to ‘aspects of emotion, feeling mood or attitude which condition behaviour’. Positive emotions, such as happy, joy and excited may develop students’ confidence and self-esteem for language acquisition.

On the other hand, negative emotions might make learners feel boring for language learning. The topic of the material is food, which can

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