
English Essay: The Sound Of English

Decent Essays

The Sound of English I was seven years old and it was my first day in an American school. My mom and dad had decided that moving to the U.S would be the best option in order for us to have a better life rather than the one we had in Mexico. I didn't know a single word in English so I was put in the bilingual class. In the class the teacher spoke in both English and Spanish, it was in order to help me slowly learn the language but also feel comfortable talking in both languages. Since I came to this school in third grade I felt out of place and a bit uncomfortable since I didn't really know a lot of people in this new school. In third grade my teacher was really good at helping me when it came to learning to speak and write the language. To me that wasn't enough though I felt like I needed to have more options other than school and homework, so what I did was to tutor myself along …show more content…

When you use correct grammar while talking to people and writing an essay you can be seen as smart and intelligent. Grammar can affect how other people see you in job interviews and or college applications because they'll see you as an educated person. When you don't use correct grammar in this language you will sound stupid because, you will change the the meaning of what you're trying to say and people won't understand you. If you don’t use correct grammar in a persuasive essay and or in a job application you will take away the strength of that paper. Sentence structure is very important when you're speaking and talking because if you don't use correct grammar you will say something completely different rather than what you actually mean. In this country the use of correct grammar isn't used to separate people but instead it's used to open doors for people. It can get you lots of excellent

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