One issue that I am passionate about is the environment. Not only does our environment provide resources but it also affects our health directly. Living in Southern Western Ontario allows easy access to the Great Lakes that not only provides a scenic landscape but as well economic and resource based benefits. The Great Lakes has faced many challenges such as algae blooms, invasive species, and water pollution. These issues not only directly affect the water quality, and organisms living in that ecosystem but as we consume these organisms it also indirectly affects us. The Great Lakes provides more than half of the worlds freshwater and the fishing industry contributes tremendously to Ontario’s gross domestic product. These issues not only directly
In the painting North Shore Lake Superior by Lawren S. Harris which is located in the Tom Thompson Gallery in the AGO, line and colour relationships bring about a sense of harmony and contrast throughout the piece as well as the feeling of peacefulness. When the viewer witnesses the landscape, the composition exemplifies a scene of a beach in the winter with its many blue tones. The work of art resembles a beach with a cool atmosphere incorporating mostly blue, grey, and white. In the foreground, there is a tree trunk at the shore of the ocean which is centered and surrounded by many stones. The trunk has no texture due to the abstraction of its form; no detailed lines are present and the solid vertical strips of dark colours simplify the structure. There is an evident presence of light as indicated by the diagonal lines that descend from the top left hand corner of the painting. The lines illustrate dynamic movement of the sun beams as they collide with the contour of the freestanding form. The combination of elements, such as line and colour, bring about harmony as well as evoke a sense of tranquility.
“If we do decide to produce the 10- and 12-inch pipe internally, it could solve our overstaffing problem,” Mark Rubin, owner of Great Lakes Pipe & Tube, Inc. (GLPT), remarked to Vinny Patricko, the plant manager. “I’m reluctant to lay anyone off or even cut back hours. It’s not good business and it’s not the right thing to do if it can be at all avoided.”
In the 1960s Lake Claremont was a rubbish tip until the council built a golf course. In 2009 the golf course was closed after a referendum. The Town of Claremont (TOC) made a management plan to return the area to native bush. Lake Claremont in is located right between Claremont and Swanbourne and is a seasonal lake. It hosts a large variety of flora and fauna. There are approximately 70 hectares in the areas around Lake Claremont. Lake Claremont is a conservation category wasteland and a designated Bush Forever site. One of the biggest issues that Lake Claremont is dealing with is the destruction of habitat. The Friends of Lake Claremont have said that “Prior to European settlement the lake was a
Many contaminants settle out of the atmosphere, such as acid rain, the pollutants and nutrients will transport from distant places by air depositing into the lake as the form of rain. The first pollutants as atmospheric deposition on the Great Lakes were phosphorus. It is found that about 20 percent phosphorus entering Lake Michigan comes from the atmosphere by determination of rain, snow and dust. Since phosphorus pollution generated by this approach cannot be controlled, so it is more urgent to reduce the phosphorus content of detergent, sewer and effluent fertilizers. People found fish in a lake of Lake Superior in a remote island containing PCBs and toxaphene, and this place isolated with no direct way to pollution. This determines the long-range transport of pollutants through the atmosphere and settlement in the lake. In fact the processes of material transport through atmospheric was very complex. For instance PCBs was insoluble in water, so as to re-enter the atmosphere during evaporation or connected together into small particles. A lot of PCBs volatilize from the lake, meanwhile, PCBs coming from various parts of the air mass experience the sedimentation on the lake. Other than that the contaminated sediment is another way to cause pollution of the lake. This is problems of the most urban industrial areas. Even if there is likely to remove severely contaminated sediments in
Garbage in the Great Lakes are harming the Earth and making it unhealthy. Garbage is especially harming the animals and the Garbage is polluting the water. How should we prevent people from littering. Also how can we make the Earth more healthy?
The community issue that I have chosen is our lake here in Edinboro, PA. The problem with the
Pollution is the presence of dangerous and unwanted substances in the ecosystem that causes imbalance and health hazards to the living. Water pollution is the presence of unwanted substances or particles in water, which causes imbalance in water systems. Lake Huron is among the largest fresh water sources in the States located in North America.
Back to the history, the eutrophication problem was first time concerned by public on Great lakes at the 1960s, the Lake Erie was covered by algae as a result of over dumped phosphorus from the sewage and other waste water, at that time, the Lake Erie was known as the “Dead Sea of North America”(Fitzpatrick, J. J., and Di Toro 1999). The reason cause this problem can be concluded in 2 points, 1. the stresses of overfishing, 2. development of phosphorus-based detergents. At the end of 1960, the Canada and the United States have realized the penetrance of this problem and finally sit on the table to sign an agreement that limiting phosphorus dumps to the Lake Erie, and plan to control existing unstoppable algal growth. Because of the awareness of Canada and US government, the concentration of phosphorus got a significant success. And this problem happened again during the 1990s, but this time the reason why this happen is more complexly.
he issue which I decided upon as the biggest problem in my community is pollution. The reason I chose this issue is because I live in New Castle Pennsylvania which is ranked as one of the most polluted cities in the country. This puts New Castle above cities such as LA who are known for their terrible pollution rate even though we are a small urban area. In this town and its surrounding cities such as Pittsburgh more than 25 thousand people have been diagnosed with lung asthma. Even growing up this unnaturally high trend was obvious. This is apparently a very big problem for this area.
The Huron were a First Nations people around what is currently known as the Great Lakes region. The Jesuits, a group of French Catholic missionaries, voyaged to various parts of the St. Lawrence region. With that, the Jesuit missions of Huronia are significant in understanding the history of Huronia, Catholic conversions of First Nations, the epidemics that ravaged many Aboriginal peoples, and the displacement of the Huron. There were considerable effects of the Jesuit missions, including economic benefits for the French and the Huron, differences and similarities among the two cultures, and the devastating epidemics among the First Nations. This essay argues that the Jesuit missions of Huronia was a contributing force in the eventual
Lake Mead is at a record low as of this past Tuesday,The bureau reported Lake Mead's elevation at 1,074.98. But the elevation went back up to 1,075 since 2 a.m. (Mst. Mountain time) the current "straws" take water from 1,050 feet and 1,000 feet. At the moment, Lake Mead is around 1,075 feet which means the first "straw" is only about 25 feet from sucking air in.
Water quality in the Great Lakes is something that has been a criticall issue in the Great Lakes Region for a number of years. Water quality can be anything that affects the benefits humans derives from water. It can include drinking water, food, recreation, and any other use of water that is possible. Many invasive species including zebra mussels and Asian carp pose a great threat to the water quality of the Great Lakes. The ecosystem and industry relying on the Great Lakes are also affected by this invasion. I feel that the best way to stop invasive species from coming into the Great Lakes is to prevent the problem from happening before it already has.
I thing that the most pressing issue for our enviornment in North Americe, is the pollution of our air and water. I believe this is the biggest issue because it effects everyone, and everyone should care. Some people may not care how many trees we cut down, or the fact that their fruits and veggitables are all geneticly modified and are coverd in pestisides. And if they dont care about our air and water now, they deffinately will when it staarts to make them sick, or they have to wear and face mask covering their mouth and nose in order to breathe outside without getting completed contaminated. Or when they start drinking unfiltered water, and chugging down loads of floride, and start to notice themselvees getting less healthy. I believe that this is an increasing issue as more, and more factories are being built, more cars are
I chose this topic because I believe it is related to my major. I also would be interested in learning more about it. I am a nursing major so I have an affinity for health topics. I chose this topic because I believe it will add to the background knowledge needed to understand why it is important to be involved in environmental causes.
71 percent of the earth’s surface is made of water. 97 percent of earths water is saline water and not safe for human consumption. This leaves just 3 percent of earth’s water as fresh water, most of which is ice caps and glaciers. 68 percent of the fresh water on Earth is found in icecaps and glaciers. 30 percent of fresh water is found in ground water leaving around .3 percent of earth’s water as surface fresh water. Of the .3 percent of surface fresh water the Great Lakes make up 84% of North America 's surface fresh water and about 21% of the world 's supply of surface fresh water. ("Great Lakes Facts and Figures." EPA. Environmental Protection Agency, n.d. Web. 15 Nov. 2016.)