Environmental Destruction in Southeast Asia
For a developing nation, the progression of its economy is crucial and the focus on the economies of Southeast Asia have taken the region as a whole quite far in a very impressive time period; however, the region must adapt to the problematic climate change issues of the world as it is still in its developing stage given that if the natural resources of the region are used up, there will not be very many sources to allow the region to sustain its economy upon.
Background information
Essentially all if not, most of the Southeast Asian nations lie amid the tropics, which inevitably results in similarities in the climate and wildlife through the entire region. The atmosphere is consistently warm with the exception of highland areas, in which the climate tends to be cooler. Southeast Asia is home to numerous goods/commodities that were exclusive to the region, which predictably made the region as a whole more coveted by traders from across the globe. As mentioned in the book Southeast Asia (Routledge Revivals): A Region in Transition, things like nutmeg, mace and cloves were formerly only available in the region of Southeast Asia in the nation of Maluku and the spice islands of eastern Indonesia. These commodities have helped the region prosper as a whole, the economy of Southeast Asian nations relies heavily upon the natural resources of the region. The natural resources have helped bring millions of people out of poverty,
As the population grows there will not be enough land and water available to meet the population’s demands. Climate change is also taking a toll on the agriculture industry. Global warming is changing the length of growing seasons for farmers. While northern countries are benefiting from this change, the southern countries are experiencing shorter growing periods.
To commence with, Hayden (2010) points out that the overwhelming increase in population of human, global economy, and both industrial and agricultural productions has dealt severe blows to various aspects of the environment. Besides causing irreversible damages to the Earth, according
Annotated Bibliography Betzold, C. (2015). Adapting to climate change in small island developing states. Climatic Change, 133(3), 481-489. doi:10.1007/s10584-015-1408-0 This study explains that the small island developing states are usually the first and the ones severely affected by climate change. (Betzold, 2015, p. 482).
The liberal side of the immigration debate supports legal immigration, increasing the number of legal immigrants permitted to enter the U.S. each year, and blanket amnesty for current illegal immigrants. Liberals believe that regardless of how they came to the U.S., illegal immigrants deserve things like U.S. government financial aid for college tuition and visas for spouse/children to come to the U.S. They believe that families shouldn’t be separated and that many illegal immigrants do the jobs that the average American does not want to do (Primeaux). The liberals are also strongly against laws such as Arizona’s SB 1070 and believe that such laws only encourage racial profiling and are unconstitutional.
Following that, there is degradation of natural resources through deforestation and strip-mining which reduce their jungles and fields to become wastelands. As a solution, we should regulate the environmental impact through environmental safe guard. More labour laws enforcing satisfactory working
In the words of Barack Obama, “climate change is no longer some far-off problem; it is happening here, it is happening now.” (J. S. World Economic Forum, 2015) This global phenomenon is causing many problems around the world and is affecting both developed countries like Canada and other countries in the process of developing. This report investigates how climate change can pose significant impacts on all countries despite economic stability. Places like Canada are affected by the severe storms and drastic changes in weather and these changes can hurt the environment and the economy. They can also pose threats to crop production and public health. Climate change can also hurt the developmental progression of low-income countries
South Asia contains 1.7 billion people. Imagine that the place you live can quite possibly kill you because of all of the pollution and health issues. Having to drink unsafe water, getting infections from mosquitoes, and not enough food does not sound like a fun time to me. This part of the continent contains 44% of the world’s poor. This part of the continent has many issues. The issues are pollution, poverty, population, and the health concern. The quality and cleanliness of things are not very good there, which leads to the hundreds of diseases that are started and spread. It also leads to deaths.
The destruction of the rainforests is happening to many rainforests plants die and animals lose their homes. By helping it would be better if we could help rather than destroy the rainforest. The cause of plants being cut down effects the animals when they die.
The world economy is a very complex system; in the system harmful externalities disrupt capital flows and determine economic productivity. Most notable of these externalities is inadvertent global warming. Spending towards research and regulation of climate change at both the national and international level are very important in determining current and future business trends. Economists and scientists worldwide continuously debate the pros and cons of emissions reduction and what consequences can quickly follow. Though many have different views on the issue, all can agree that the immediate and long term effects of climate change have become an economic matter of paramount importance. The sweeping impact from climate change will have important fiscal, financial, and macroeconomic ramifications that influence global commerce standards.
Southwest Asia is mostly desert and steppe climate because of subtropical high pressure over the area which keeps the region dry and the air warm. Some places around
Abstract— Climatic conditions of Nepal vary from one place to another in accordance with the geographical features. The country receives almost 80% of its annual rainfall during monsoon season. The current warming trend is of particular significance because most of it is very likely human-induced and proceeding at a rate that is unprecedented in the past 1,300 years. Climate change is changing our economy, health and communities in diverse ways. The effects of rising temperatures are not only melting glaciers and sea ice, it’s also shifting precipitation patterns and setting animals on the move. The main objective of the study is to identify the impacts of climate change on the development paradigm of the country in context of water resources. The prophecy behind this study is to add the future development of Nepal regarding poverty alleviation, social equity, security and welfare. The climate change trends and its impacts may differ in various local regions, it has affected Nepal with less monsoonal rains across the high mountains and more along the southern hills.
Any type of activities which alters the systems of the environment and he disturbances caused to air,water,soil and the eco systems is known as environmental degradation. Its under the top ten threats in the united nations panel. Because of environmental degradation illness and premature deaths occur in large numbers. A report says that human health is deteriorating in the past decades. If improvements are being made to enhance human health millions of people will dwell a longer and a healthier life. Mountainous farmers produce a reasonable amount of cash crops and food by their old and traditional farming methods. Even though there has
The issue impedes development in many small south pacific island nations. Agriculture is one of the major export for many developing island nations. The rise in sea level due to climate change directly affects the agricultural production. The ASEAN summit has identified food security to be of great concern and there is a need to address the issue. The issue affects most south pacific island countries. Climate change affects them in many ways and one of the major issues is the rise in sea levels. High tides lead to flooded roads affecting transportation and other infrastructure. Heat stress and saltwater incursions are some of the effects that is quite problematic for the industry. Furthermore, the rapid population growth and increasing food consumption per person is also a critical issue. Drought or the lack of availability of fresh water is also a concern. People are migrating due to flooding caused by the rising sea level. A research conducted by London School of Economics have
The pacific islands are known for being especially beautiful and the image of relaxation; palm trees, white sand beaches, smiling faces, and crystal blue water. When acknowledging this, it is hard to imagine that the islands are currently dealing with the changing climate’s negative effects. Climate change is the largest environmental issue currently affecting the earth where humans are referred to as frogs slowly cooking in a pot.[1] Despite the common knowledge that the earth’s atmosphere is heating to a dangerous level, humanity seems to be adapting to the changes in temperature, much like a boiling frog would before it is much too late. The same could be said about the Pacific islands in that they aren’t receiving enough help to deal with the increasing heat. Although climate change affects the earth as a whole, the Pacific Islands are more likely to feel its effects much quicker and are less likely to be able to deal with them on their own. It is very important to understand the impact it has on the people and their livelihoods, as well as the physical effects on the islands and their economy.
The destruction of the Earth’s environment is known by almost every human alive. Our planet is time and again being attacked by the dominant human race. People treat the earth as if it does not have a role in our survival as a species. This assault on the environment has been going on for centuries and has brought about consequences that many of us cannot even fathom. If the world is anything like the environment depicted in the novel He, She, and It, the world we know today will be seen as a haven. The environment in the novel as horrible as it may be, is not far from reality. Deterioration of the earth’s environment, population growth, depletion of our resources and world poverty are all issues that point to the future shown in He, She and It. The possibility that we could annihilate ourselves has never been more real. However, our species is one of the most adaptable creatures on Earth, and with our developing technology we might just be able to salvage the world we have left.