
Environmental Factors Affecting Southwest Airlines

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Section 1) What macro-environmental factors external to the company should Southwest Airlines be most concerned about? How do these factors affect Southwest Airlines? Explain.

Economic, social-cultural, and technological forces are the external macro-environmental factors Southwest Airlines should be most concerned with. Weak economic growth reduces the purchasing power of an airline’s target market. Southwest, known for being a leader in low cost airline, provides flights at a higher frequency and capacity to attain profit. However, the company experienced increasing overhead through the lapse of long-standing fuel contracts, which previously helped provide a competitive advantage. This factor is also amplified by the growth the company experienced with success. Southwest is the fourth largest airline and has seen fuel cost skyrocket from 29 percent to 35 percent over a seven-year period.

Social cultural forces are a double-edged sword for the company. Southwest used advertisements that targeted the cultural values and common buyer behavior of upper-middle class to upper-lower class consumers. Ads such as “bags fly free” and “Why do they hate your bags” resonated with consumers that believe airfare should be all-inclusive. The negative effect of this competitive advertising is reduced fee revenue compared to competitors like United Airlines. The demand of niche airlines will change as the demographics change, such as an increase in millennials flying versus baby boomers.

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