
Environmental and Root Cause Analysis Case Study Template

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Instructor note:,The template in this file has been developed by your instructor as a supplemental tool to assist with the ,,"quantitative calculations required in the ""Environmental and Root Cause Analysis"" section of the Hog Case." ,,"Written case study requirements (i.e. format, content, layout) are found in the Introduction and Overview section at the beginning of your candidate manual" ,Please note:,The requirements as outlined in the candidate manual take precedence over anything contained herein which has been prepared for reference only ,, M3 Assignment 9 (Sessions 11 - 12) Student Template,, (Excerpt - be sure to read the full case study requirements in Sessions 11 and 12 in your Candidate manual),, ,, "This session is devoted entirely to the group case study, the Hog Problem, which builds on material presented throughout the module.",, "In this case study, students design a system to haul live hogs from farms to a slaughter plant.",, ,, "The case study requires an analysis of the movement of approximately 50,000 hogs per week (2.5 million per year) from locations that are between 30 minutes and 3.5 hours",, from the plant.,, "The catchment area of the plant is broken into 13 sub-areas, with total volumes and transit times specified for each area.",, ,, Candidates must develop a typical week's and a typical day's shipping pattern from the 13 sub-areas to the plant.,, Candidates must also plan for a truck fleet consisting of 3 different truck sizes

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