
Equality & Diversity Work with Children and Young People

Good Essays


By: Xharie Ramadani
Table of Contents

How to communicate with children and young people. 4 Give chance to talk. 4 Make eye contact and use active listening. 4 Use body language and facial expressions. 4 Respond and observe on what they are saying repeat language 5 How to check that the children and young people understand what is communicated. 5 Explain how to establish rapport and respectful, trusting relationships with children and young adults. 6 Demonstrate supportive and realistic responses to children and young people questions, ideas suggestions and concerns. 6 How do you provide children and young people with reasons for actions when …show more content…

I have included a list of this methods which help understand that the communication is understood by children. * Request them to recap key points from time to time. * Apply questions to check their understanding. * Explain to them from time to time what will happen next. * Use body language and facial expressions to check as you are speaking to them. * Do not take for granted that because you have told them they have understood

Using all these methods will help in communicating with children and young adults and ensure that the children clearly understood what is communicated to them.

Explain how to establish rapport and respectful, trusting relationships with children and young adults.
Getting to understand and believe others is vital part of being able to have positive relationship with them. It is important to value and respect other people views. Listening to them is also important and can be done individually or as a group. It is important that as responsible adult we should not try and become friends with pupils to develop a respectful relationship because this will not work but show them that are boundaries with in school and all children should follow them. From beginning we need to show authority so the children understand and obey to that. Using authority teaches children to have more respect for adults and form a good relationship. There

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