
Ernest Shackleton Research Paper

Decent Essays

“A journey of a thousands miles begins with a single step,” said the chinese philosopher Laozi. Ernest Shackleton was one of the most influential explorers known for his efforts in Antarctica because he inspired many people, led important expeditions and had helpful traits for the expedition. Groups of people have retraced many of the journeys Shackleton took, not only in Antarctica. Ernest Shackleton was known as “heroic.” Klug said in his article “Anyone who has heard of his heroic exploits.” Ken Klug was among a group of people who retraced Shackleton’s steps. The location that this adventure was reinvented in Georgia known as the “Crossing South Georgia in the footsteps of Sir Ernest Shackleton.” When Shackleton first Crossed Georgia it was in the late fall during November in 1916. Klug starts his article off with “I am an unabashed admirer of Sir Ernest Shackleton.” This is just one example of the inspiration Shackleton put into people. …show more content…

Lorna Siggins wrote an article titled “The Frozen Chosen.” Quoted from this article Siggins relates to the climate and environment as “Nose-numbing, bone-shuddering, finger bleeding cold is no obstacle to them.” Ernest Shackleton literally had a bloody battle with Mother Nature. Mother Nature creates something so horrible for Shackelton to cross it is known as “heartless.” Lorna Siggins gives us our second example of inspiration by saying “That crew, which included three Irishmen, was the inspiration for the present-day adventures, who attempted the same voyage aboard the 23-foot Tom Crean in January of this year,” which was also led by Shackleton himself. The year was 1916 that this expedition was taken place in which was a mission to the South

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