In this essay I am researching a famous astronomer, Nicolaus Copernicus. I will be talking about his life, his accomplishments, and why he is famous. When I started researching his name I was a little disappointed. I went to the Biography Reference Bank first. When I searched for the name Nicolaus Copernicus not as many sources popped up compared to if I were to type in any other famous person name. When I went to Academic Search Premier there were a little more results than the other. Nevertheless, there was not that many to go off of. I decided to go with one source from the Academic Search Premier and the other from the UCO Library database. Nicolaus Copernicus was born in Poland on February 19th, 1473. His father was names Niklas and his mother was Barbara. He completed high school in his hometown, which is Thorn, at …show more content…
In the year 1941 he attended the University of Cracow. While attending this university is where his love for astronomy began. In 1495, his uncle was the bishop a canonry in Frauenburg. A law from the chapter commanded that every canon that did not have a degree in theology, medicine, or prudence had to go to school for three years straight and get that degree. Copernicus did not have a degree so in the year of 1947 he went to Bologna to study law. He only picked this branch of study because of his membership at the cathedral chapter. Although he was studying law, this did not interfere with his love for astronomy or math. In 1499, Copernicus was having some financial troubles. His brother, Andrew who was also in Bologna, helped his some. It was his uncle, the bishop who saved him from the troubles. A year later in 1500 he was in Rome, teaching a large class on mathematics. A
Johannes Kepler was born on December 27,1571 in Weil der stadt in Swabia. Living in the wince region of Germany, not far from France Kepler lived in a high standing family his Grandfather being the mayor of a near by village of Eltingen and a well respected craftsmen. Kepler spoke of his father in low regard calling him as a rough soldier who loved to argue, and he spoke of his mother in less flattering words. Kepler's life wasnt made any easier with the diseases he contracted throughout his childhood.
Nicolaus Copernicus was an intelligent astronomer who lived from the year 1473 to 1543. He originated from Poland and attended school at Cracow as well as in Italy. Copernicus was an influential thinker who was not afraid to push the boundaries when it came to astronomy. His forthright opinion changed the normal outlook of the position of the earth, sun, and planets. He will be remembered for his strong attitude and revolutionary ideas, which transformed the views of the properties of the universe.
Johannes Kepler was a German mathematician and astronomer who was interested in how planets move around the sun. He is also known as the founder of modern astronomy. He discovered the three laws of planetary motion. This paragraph is all about Kepler's second law which is also known as Law of Equal Areas. Kepler determined that the orbits of the planets around the Sun were ellipses. In addition, he noticed that their speeds varied throughout their way. Similarly, he also noted that the planets seemed to move fastest when they were at their closest point to the Sun (called perihelion) and slowest when they were at their farthest point from the Sun (called aphelion). Using some rather brilliant insights of geometry, Kepler discovered that: The
Edwin Hubble was a pioneer astronomer who highly attributed to the study of the physical universe. He completely changed our understanding of the universe by demonstrating that our universe is larger than what was previously thought and that the universe is expanding (Brown, n.d.). These discoveries were also some of the first to support the theory behind the creation of the universe, the Big Bang (Sandage, 1989).
Kepler was born in the small town of Weil der Stadt in Germany, formerly part of the Holy Roman Empire, on December 27, 1571, at about 1 p.m. His father, Heinrich Kepler, was a mercenary soldier, and he was killed fighting in Holland when Johannes was young. Johannes' mother, Katharina Guldenmann, was an herbalist and worked at her father's inn. It is she who actually sparked Johannes’s interest in astronomy. She would take him out during nights to show
Nicholas Copernicus was born in Torun, Poland on February 19, 1473 and was the youngest of his family. Even though he was born in Poland, German was the first language he spoke. Soon he began to study astronomy and proved that the speed of a planet’s orbit is determined from the distance of the planet away from the sun. In his further studies, he discovered many things. For example, people thought the earth is in the center and all the other planets and sun orbit the earth. He discovered the planets orbit the sun and not the other way around. In May of 1543 Georg Joachim Rheticus, a mathematician and scholar, gave Copernicus De revolutions orbium coelstium, his newly published book. After the aftermath of a stroke, Copernicus was found
Over time, scientists have deliberated the possibility of another explanation of our existence, which has provoked traditional orthodox views. These new explanations were originally denied but over time science has been able to provide evidence that proved these theories. Galileo Galilei and Gan de were both prominent scientists who contributed to the modern day understanding of the universe. Influenced by hypothetical theories, scientists attempted to find evidence which proved or disproved present beliefs, to propose their theories to society. Although originally mocked and shamed for their opposing views, over time their expositions have been accepted. These scientists paved the way for other influential scientists and began the modern
Nicolaus Copernicus was an astronomer, and a mathematician like Euclid. He created a model of the universe that placed the sun at the center of the model, instead of the earth. Nicolaus Copernicus was a deeply religious man, and worked as a physician for the church, and people of Poland, but come night he would study outer space. Overall, Copernicus is known for his model called “Heliocentrism,” his work of “Gresham’s law,” and the “Copernican principle.”
Born February 9th 1473 Died May 24th 1543. He is from Toruń Poland. Nicolaus became well known by his astronomy and making the discovery of the solar system. He discovered the solar system. Nicolaus had a theory that the sun was in the middle of the universe. His invention had changed the way we think about planets and how they
Galileo Galilei was an Italian scientist born on the 15th of February 1564 in Pisa, Italy. Galileo had a great passion for science, his main areas being physics, astronomy, mathematics and engineering. Galileo is often referred to as the “father of modern observational astronomy” and the “father of modern science”.
“Nature is relentless and unchangeable, and it is indifferent as to whether its hidden reasons and actions are understandable to man or not” ( Nature is beautiful but there is too many anonymities that can’t be factor but man can reveal them. In fact, The Father of Modern Science Galileo Galilei was analytical and daring.
Copernicus’s father was a merchant and his mother, Barbara Watzenrode, came from a long line of merchants. He was the youngest of four children his uncial, Lucas Watzenrode, was a priest. Later he became a bishop. His father died when he was ten so his uncial funded him for the rest of his life.
Nicolas Copernicus was born, into a family of copper merchants, on February 19, 1473. He was the fourth child in the family and least likely to take over his father’s business. During the 1480’s Copernicus’s father passed away and he was taken in by his uncle. His uncle decided that he would make sure Copernicus got the best education in order for him to be successful.
Nicolaus Copernicus was born in Torun, Portland. Nicolaus was born in a wealthy family so he grew up with great education. Copernicus’ father died so he was raised by his uncle who was a bishop in a Catholic church. Copernicus went to Bologna and became an assistant for Domenico Maria Novara Ferrara, a famous astronomer.( There he started to get an interest in astronomy. He came up with the theory that the planets revolved around the sun in the 1500s.(Nola) During his time, many people believed the model geocentric, the Earth was the center and everything revolved around it.
Nicolaus Copernicus was born in the city of Torun, Poland on February 19, 1473. Nicolaus Copernicus was born into a wealthy family. He father was a copper trader and his. mother, was from family of merchants. When he was 10 years old, his father died. Nicolaus uncle then, became his guardian. In 1491, at the age of 18, Copernicus began his undergraduate studies at the University of Krakow. There he studied astronomy, mathematics, philosophy, and the sciences. In his final year at university Copernicus wrote his own observations on mathematics and astronomy. After four years at university, , his uncle sent Copernicus to Bologna, Italy, to study law. It was intended that he become a Doctor of Law. However, he preferred to spend his time on astronomy, mathematics and learning Ancient Greek. This was important to him because many of the great works he needed to understand for his astronomy were available only in Greek. In the end, he did not graduate. In 1501, he went back to Italy