
Erp Case Study

Decent Essays

III. Future Trend of ERP in Mobile
Enterprise resource planning (ERP) systems have evolved since their inception and the evolution is expected to continue in the future (Cyret, 2017). With the evolution, new functionality, features and technology that extend ERP systems across organizations have emerged. Mobile ERP is one of the key development areas in ERP systems and it is expected to become a key area of ERP in the future. Most organizations have remained reluctant to adopt mobile ERP systems with the main argument being that their ERP systems are highly customized such that any alteration would be risky and relatively costly (Cyret, 2017). Consequently, many of the ERP system administrators continue to spend most of their time in …show more content…

This will enable them to be updated on a real time basis regarding any information that should be brought to their attention. Consequently, operations managers will be able to detect impediments in the supply chain and finance manager will be in a position to detect any issue payment systems.
Asset management usually involves a lot of labor time spent on stock counts and numerous steps of data entry. With the adoption of mobile ERP systems, such hours can easily be reduced through linking the finance, manufacturing and procurement processes. The sales people will, therefore, be able to obtain such information easily. Mobile ERP also presents an opportunity of being able to access business operations from anywhere. This helps in increasing profitability as transaction cost is likely to be minimized and communications are likely to be improved.
The current and future business environment requires agility in accessing information and making key decisions using the same. This issue can only be addressed with the adoption of mobile ERP systems. Apart from the future of mobile ERP involving business operations that can be accessed through mobile platforms, developers are likely to develop ERP system that can smoothly be hosted and run on mobile platforms. The future of ERP systems will, therefore,

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