
Esl Language Analysis

Decent Essays

Tailoring Instruction to the Needs of an ELL: Meet Elsa
1. Elsa seems to fit the profile of many first-generation Hispanic students. Although she was born in the U.S., her first language is Spanish and she arrived at school with limited English proficiency. Since she qualifies for free lunch and her parents are recent immigrants, they are more than likely a working-class family with limited resources for learning materials or experiences outside school, aside from the after-school program. Also, Elsa’s punctuality and readiness to learn may be an indicator that her parents probably place a high value on education. It is not mentioned if Elsa is shy in settings outside school, therefore, it is not clear if her shyness is a result of insecurity when speaking English or if it is a part of her personality. However, the fact that there are many others Hispanic children in the school is a positive element that can help her boost her confidence and ethnic identity. …show more content…

Using the stages of language acquisition, Elsa is probably in Stage III or Speech Emergence since she uses short phrases and simple sentences, can ask and answer simple questions, and makes basic grammatical errors (Smiley and Salsberry, 2007). Still, this does not mean that she can follow a text with the same comprehension as her native speaking peers. Elsa has the overwhelming task to learn English as her second language and at the same time learn the academic content that school is designed to teach. Based on her response to the Magic Tree House book, she has limited fluency and struggles to understand figurative language. Yet, she can read and understand a good portion of the book which means that with some well-structured scaffolding she could increase her

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