
Essay About A Short Story

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“Yeah?” asked Peggy with a little upward reflection. Yep, yeahs, and ah-huhs were all replied back to her, but when Peggy took notice of what Zack sounded like, her gray eyes shifted firmly to him and then bulged from out her head. “Jesus, what the hell happened to you?” “Bit my tongue,” Zack said, but it came out as, “Yet may ungue.” “He slipped on a patch of ice and mud near the volunteer facilities,” Sean said thinking fast. “Lost his footing and went down hard slamming his chin onto the ground.” Everyone concurred. “Well, it looks like it’s swollen pretty good, maybe you should go to the hospital?” “I’ll-E-alight,” Zack tried to respond. “Okay, then…” shrugged Peggy. “I’ll at least bring you some ice for that.” “Yanks,” Zack …show more content…

“I’m on it,” Sean said as he shot up from his seat and took off heading back out the door’s of the doughnut shop. “Phillip, how did you get that?” asked Leland. “May I see it?” Phillip handed it over. “I took it off this guy, Lorenzo Hubbard, after I smacked him in the face with a metal locker door in the place’s changing room. I didn’t want to do it… I had no choice, though. He knew who I was… He knew I was a…” “Slug?” “Yeah, that’s what he called us. My kind.” “Alright, give it here,” Sean requested as he had already come back inside the store and began setting up a laptop computer on the adjacent table. Leland complied. “Do you think we’ll be able to get anything off of it?” asked Boyd as he directed his attention towards anyone who would answer. “I would assume they would have terminated this ID’s access by now.” “No doubt, they did,” Leland responded. “But, if Lorenzo Hubbard here was too embarrassed about having his ass kicked by a slug and didn’t want anyone finding out about it… Or, even doesn’t realize yet that Phillip took his ID access card from him… then just maybe, he might have held off on contacting central command.” “Where we at, Sean?” asked Boyd. “Working on it.” “Okay, guys, here are your doughnuts,” Peggy said as nobody had noticed her return with them. She then set a plate filled with a variety of the sugary goodness down upon the table. “And, cups,” she then mentioned as

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