
Essay About Alzheimer's Death

Decent Essays

Having to experience the death of a loved one is an extremely devastating thing one has to experience in life. It can affect people in many different ways as well. A majority of people who experience this will probably have different reactions and obstacles to overcome. I know the feeling, because I went through the pain as well. A few years ago, my grandma passed away due to Alzheimer's, and it was a somber time for my family. Even to this day, we still honor her every year, when my family gathers together to remember her in her day of passing.

My family for a while now, knew of my grandma's illness, Alzheimer's. We visited her every year in LA before she passed away, thinking that it would happen soon. A few years passed, and we planned to visit her one last time. On our way to LA to visit her, we heard some tragic news from my aunt who took care of my grandma. She …show more content…

I went straight to pay respects to my grandma. When everyone was talking and crying, I knew it was going to be a long trip. The only happy thing that happened was that I got to see my cousins again since the longest time. We tried not to think much of what happened and focused on our reunion, by plying on our gaming devices and catching up. But then the adults told us kids to go upstairs and play, but all I heard, apart from the 7 year olds play, were the somber cries coming from downstairs. The next day, we only focused on celebrating her, with her cremation and church ceremonies. These few days were probably the longest and most painful days I ever lived through. That night, I remember my dad, aunts and uncles telling stories, remembering my grandma. The story that my dad told was so sad, it made me tear up. After all of that depressing events, me and my cousins just laid back and played on our Nintendo DS and we watched hours worth of TV. Although with all of what had happened, we still found a way to have tons of fun and tried to catch

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