
Essay About Horror Movies

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Why are horror movies fun to watch? To explain why we crave horror films, it’s the experience of the adrenaline rush, the emotional content, and the fact that it isn’t reality is nice to face our fears. Stephen King mentions that“ we are all mentally ill,” and argues that our “sick jokes” prove our insanity and and our need to release insanity. ( King, “Why We Crave Horror” 1) Stephen King veraciously claims that humans crave horror to face our fears, to re-establish our feelings of normality, and to experience an abnormal type of fun, basically all the emotions of the human condition. Stephen King accurately states that we watch scary movies to overcome our fears. We resolve it by watching the hooded figure walking towards the innocent …show more content…

In movies or stories it’s interesting to imagine the thrill of something unusual or magical, something out of this world like, demons. When watching blood-curdling thrillers there are insane things happening, from left to right, up and down. Horror films give us a sense of normality and are, “innately conservative, even reactionary” (King,“Why We Crave” 1). Moreover, having thoughts on supernatural things is fun to think about, but nowadays something magical is looked upon since we live in a world with a reality of common sense. As a result, since we crave for something bigger than ordinary, we portray our craves by watching movies, or reading. But what does it really do after we watch scary movies? Half of us decide that we are thankful these creatures and things don't exist, and that also means the pretty unicorns and fairies. Watching movies likes these, make us relieved we aren’t the protagonist, making us feel appreciable to appreciable extent that we are ordinary. Despite the macabre fact that multiple women are killed in the short story “Strawberry Spring,” the experience is a “peculiar sort of fun” (King, “Why We Crave” 2). In life, everyone is different, but most of us enjoy the thrills of a jump scare, or enjoy letting loose a scream every once in awhile. Most scary movies are rated R because of its material isn’t suitable for younger viewers. We are cautioned about watching these

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