
Essay About Kipp Academy

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Academic Success differentials. For a little over 20 years the Knowledge is Power Program has consistently grown. Many under privileged kids have become very successful due to the growth of KIPP Academy. The academic scores of KIPP academy and many other charter schools have rocketed, while public schools have fallen flat. KIPP academy has focused on helping their students grow and giving them the opportunities to succeed. Public schools differentiate from schools like KIPP academy through techniques in curriculum, rules of enrollment, and opportunities through stages of education, resulting in a lack of academic success for public schools.
To begin with, all schools have ideals and goals set for their students, they all want to promote well-being and help students become better people. There have been studies proven that skills of wellbeing …show more content…

In normal Public schools you don’t have to fill out an application or admit by lottery you just register and voila you’re enrolled. the only downfall to that is public school’s see so many new students throughout the year, all on different levels of intelligence, meaning that they have to take out their concentration on their techniques of curriculum to help these students catch up. Once again going back to the Kentucky board of Education’s federal moto “No Child Left Behind” the lack of focus on education and more on everyone being on the same level is dragging the score of public schools down. However, at KIPP academy, you must apply to go there, fitting all criteria and then you must wait to see if you are chosen from a random lottery. When a student is chosen the principals take action in the power to lead pillar, providing more space and time to help that student begin their path to success. KIPP’s approach to enrolment of new students helps create a technique and set a pathway for the student to begin

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