
Essay About Losing A Loved One

Decent Essays

Everyone knows that losing a loved one is a difficult situation. However, when you lose a loved one at a young age, it is difficult as well. Younger children do not understand as well as adults do what losing a loved one really means. They do not understand that losing a loved one means they will not ever see them again. You never think that the day one of your loved ones will pass away can come as quickly as it does. It is also difficult to explain to a child what it means when a loved one passes away. Always remember to never take a loved one for granted. But also, never forget to let them know that you love them no matter what your current feelings are. Never be afraid to tell your loved ones how you feel that also do not forget to let them know that you do love them even if they get upset with you. When I was eleven my mom had to kick my dad out in order to keep my brother and me safe. We found out that he had been drinking at the house after he got home from being in jail. The day he left I remember our conversation vividly. He gave me a hug and said, “I will see you tomorrow okay? I love you.” Since I was upset with him for the choices he had made all I said back was, “mhmm, whatever.” I gave him a half hug and then watched out the window as he drove away. The feeling of being upset with him came from me feeling like he was choosing alcohol over his children and his wife. He had also promised me that when he got out of jail he was not going to drink anymore.

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