Middle school was a lot of fun for me, I met a lot of new people and lots of new girls. It was also kinda tough in the beginning with switching classes and things and having so many different teachers and lots of homework from different classes and having to remember the room numbers of each class but eventually I got used to everything. My first day in middle school didn’t seem that much different than elementary school only thing that was different was that we switched classes but we had our teachers telling us where to go for our next classes so it wasn’t hard. On like the third day of middle school I was very confused because we had all the big 7th and 8th graders there and the teachers weren’t helping us and telling bus where to go anymore so I would be late to class and my teachers would be mad. It was hard for me to transition to having several teachers instead of one because all of my teachers were very different we had some teachers that were cool and then we had some strict teachers. The work didn’t get much harder math did but not any other subjects, math was very difficult …show more content…
Some things I went through during my pre-adolescent was my legs would always hurt and I had found out I had something called osgood-schlatter disease and I had a big knot on my knee and it still hurts till this day sometimes. I eventually learned to deal with the pain but it kinda stopped my performance in track and football I wasn’t as fast anymore I sometimes couldn’t run because it would hurt so bad.
Middle school was very fun though and it matured me a lot for high school I also learned a lot of things in middle school that have helped me in highschool I also still have some of my middle schools teachers now like Ms.Bowen that was my favorite teacher in middle school she was very cool. But that’s how my middle school years
Starting 6th grade as a “Deer in the Headlights” on the first day of school, to falling on the ice on the Snoopy ice skating rink during the art field trip, my two years in Middle School have been great. All my middle school teachers have been excellent, I have loved all of them.
Middle school has been awesome so far, and fun, but on the flip side there's tons of homework. Still, I actually like school this year. The teachers are actually quite cool and they are all awesome. This is a HUGE school compared to Elementary school. The locker has a lock although the lock makes it harder to open, so that's a bit frustrating, but otherwise it's great!
When I was little I thought middle school was scary and hard, but thinking about that topic I’ve come across some interesting things. Including being able to stay up till 12:00 on the week, having wonderful teachers makes 7th grade fun, and for some reasons my parents care about me more than ever which is actually pretty good. Hopefully the verge to become an adult is fun and I’m already playing 18+ video games.
I like the high school more than the middle school because we can leave for lunch and there are windows here. I liked seeing all of my friends and meeting new teachers. i liked all of my classes but they wouldn't let change some of my classes. I didn't have any core classes except science. I got really easy classes with a lot of my friends in most of them.
The good things that i liked about Middle School is the teachers and the classes and the classes are cool like the shark. The teacher helped a lot of people like the classes that we need is math,history,and science. I like having Mr. Burchfield to be River Bend Middle School.The things that I like about middle school with football practice and most of all the sports in club that we have but I didn't really go out for any clubs. some of the lunches I didn't really like because one of them but some of the more good foods.
In sixth grade it can be scary at first but, I grew into it. When you walk in for the field trip in fifth grade to the first day it was nervous. When it was the second week this place felt like home. I started making new friends and meeting new teachers. The whole idea of Middle School is way different than Elementary School.
My favorite thing about middle school is the field trips, we would go on amazing field trips. My favorite one was either Epcot or Rainbow River. I had so much fun. I have a lot of memorable moments in middle school. One of them was during Stage – C in 7th Grade. I have stage fright so I was freaking out on performance day, but then my best friend Anthony Longo gave me a big hug and was calming me down. Another one was Halloween Horror Nights 2017. Mr. Kaufmann wanted me to face my fear and ride the Hollywood Rip Ride Rock it. I was crying on the way up but after we went down then it was really fun. There is also the time where we went sailing and one of the boats got stuck and was starting to sink so Jailyn, Haley, Victoria and I jumped off our boat to help them we were heroes. I have so much more memorable moments, I can write pages upon pages worth.
My favorite thing about middle school was being with my friends, the projects, the teachers and FAP. I loved seeing my friends all day because we all had the same periods together. The projects that we did were so much fun (including this one!) The teachers were so nice and they really did love our class. FAP was the best part because we got a whole day off of school! Just to hang out in the fields or whatever we did that day. Usually after our trips we would go to Rita’s or somewhere else.
Middle school was not the best of years, especially 8th grade. 8th grade was most definitely not the best school year I had ever had. It started in 8th grade when a new kid came in to my class. I had been talking
For most elementary students, the thought of moving onto middle school is very intimidating. Parents and teachers love tell the students that middle school will not be as easy as elementary school. The teachers at Sts. Peter and Paul told us that the kids from the public school were horrible people and we had to be careful around them. They also told the kids about the horrors of bullies, huge papers, and a new confusing building; however, I was still ready to leave elementary schools because I hated going to a private school. I saw middle school as an opportunity to meet new friends and experience a less restricted school day.
My view on middle school was first formed at the heads-up trip, which was a quite thrilling occasion for nearly everyone in my grade. Near the end of my last year in elementary school,
My middle school years were considerably different than nearly all the experiences of my peers. I did not start food fights, have a first crush, and had few close friends. I was never behind on school work, but could I ever take a sick day or snow day. School was short and sweet. All of this was due to the fact that I was homeschooled.
The only year in elementary school I enjoyed was fifth grade. This school year was full of encouragement and kindness from my teachers. Their constant motivation and kind words gave me the confidence to improve my grades in school and interact more with my classmates. After fifth grade, my entire class and I left our old school, and relocated to the middle school. This change was not the easiest for me either. While elementary school was a tame and controlled environment, middle school gave students more freedom and was less strict on students.
The teachers taught me well, while my peers taught me more about life. I made my best friends in middle school and we are a family now. I cherished the time I spent in middle school. I was a top student who was doing well, had many friends, and was making a name for myself in sports and extracurricular activities. Then once again graduation rolled around and I had to leave all of the good things behind. But I was ready to embark on an education that was more geared towards my future.
We stayed in the same class and had the same teacher for the whole day. School started at 9 a.m. The grading system of the school was more learning-oriented. The school focused on the students having the right knowledge for them to move onto middle school. The school focused on the improvement of students and not just test scores and grades. This was very different compared to middle school, it was a big change. It went from having teachers who cared about the students to having teachers who didn’t, from learning material to just trying to memorize it, and from focusing on improving yourself to focusing on doing better than others.