
Essay About Ugetsu

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Japanese horror movies have a long history. Stories that inspired the movies are even older. In Edo and Meiji period, horror and ghost stories going around Japanese society were known as Kaidan. These folktales then being show on stage as Kabuki and Noh play before the transition to screen. Ugetsu (1953) is considered the first Japanese horror film. The film is directed by Kenji Mizoguchi, based on the book with the same name by Ueda Akinari. The story is about two greedy men named Tobei and Genjuro leaving their wives to seek fame and money. Tobei want to become a samurai and got what he want after stealing the severed head of the general and presents to commander of the winning side. But then he found his wife is working as a prostitute at the …show more content…

Gorgeous which is the name of the main character; she was upset by her father for marrying a new woman after Gorgeous’s mother had died couple years earlier. She then invites six of her friends (Prof, Melody, Kung Fu, Mac, Sweet and Fantasy) to visit her aunt’s house for summer vacation. Throughout the movie, her group of friends got attacked and killed by various possessed items in the house. Mac was killed by the well. Sweet got attacked by the mattresses and disappears. Later on her body is found in a clock. Melody got eaten by the piano. The remaining friends were told the story behind everything that happened by Gorgeous giant-sized head. While waiting for her finance to return from World War 2, Gorgeous’s aunt died many years ago but her spirit remain and possess the house, eating young unmarried girls. Kung Fu then got eaten by the light fixture while attacking the cat. Prof got pulled into the pool of blood by a jar. Fantasy saw the reflection of Gorgeous in the pool of blood as the aunt. She then got cradled by Gorgeous. The movie ends with Gorgeous burn her stepmother after she arrived to the

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