
Essay Against Gun Control

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The fight for strict gun control is a big problem for the honest American since guns are a big need for self defense, criminals will always get their guns illegally, and the right to bear arms is a constitutional right. Americans and people all over the world need some kind of self defense like a gun to show the aggressor where you stand. A woman named Sonya Dowdy was at the post office when a man tried to rob her when she pulled her gun out he fled the scene, if it was not for her having that handgun he would have robbed her and very well possibly hurt her (Currie-McGhee, L.K.). In Sonya’s case she was able to defend herself, but she also could have helped someone else if they were the ones getting robbed, the only thing that can stop bad people is good people. Carrying a firearm can help with the number of woman raped, fewer humans killed, and less neighbourhoods vandalized (The Right to Bear Arms is a Human Right).
When everyone starts shouting that they need gun control they need to stop and realize that only around three percent of gun violence crimes are actually committed by someone who has purchased the gun they are using legally, that means that the other ninety seven percent are using firearms that are used in crimes are not obtained the right way like every law abiding citizen that wants to or does carry a gun (Snyder, Michael). Criminals are not going to just turn in their guns when the government and people try to enforce gun control, the only thing that will do

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