

Decent Essays

Dave has two creases in his forehead. He often shows his smile amidst a plaque, award, or family member. More often than not, Dave can be found sporting a perfectly dry cleaned collared shirt or a sport cap. Dave walked out of Saint Anthony’s Medical Center 2007 with his newly acquainted friend Dawn. Both spouses of alcoholics, they became a support system for one another. Each week he wore a similar outfit. Dress pants and a collared shirt with a retractable ID card attached to his belt that read “Dave Wakeman, Ameren UE.” Every Tuesday night he would quietly enter room 2012 of the Hyland Center as his two teenage children entered room 2009. He, and his two kids, Ryan and Rachel, would enter into two separate cars. Ryan had a beaten …show more content…

His dream in life was to become a car mechanic like his father. Dave was raised knowing cars, and he went on as an oil and gas man at the local gas station. In his late teens Dave moved out of the house and went on to work at the rock quarry. His life took off in the year of 1982 when he accepted a truck maintenance and repair job at Ameren UE. It is obvious to everyone around him that Dave is by far the hardest worker they know. His determination, consistency, and diligence opened the eyes of his superiors. Dave received an offer he could not refuse. On the Ameren dime, Dave would attend Electrical Engineering school at Washington University. For seven years straight, Dave woke up on time, just as he always had, and attended his strenuous engineering courses. Every hour of the day he spent in class or in the library studying. At night, when most students would go home and spend time with friends or sleep, Dave began the second part of his day at Ameren. In the evenings, he spent time changing tires, oil, and repairing the trucks. Finally, he would end his day studying until he fell asleep, only to wake up the next day and restart the cycle. Dave currently begins his day in his house almost an hour from the city. Clean from the inside out, it is furnished with brand new hardwood flooring, an eighty-inch flat screen, pool table, and microfiber couches. Dawn and Dave wake up and get ready for the day in their dual sink bathroom with mirrors

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