
Essay On 9/11 Disaster

Satisfactory Essays

9/11 was one of the darkness days in this country’s history and was absolutely a disaster. The death toll of 9/11 did not just stop with that day but followed into the months and years after. The original death toll of 9/11 was 3000 and hundreds of thousands died in the two wars that followed, in the first 18 months 100,000 Iraqis died, even more US troops did as well I’m sure. Of the 3000 that died on 9/11 200 of them were “jumpers” they were 7-8% of those who died that day. That was a very powerful piece that put those people’s choice into perspective. They knew that they were going to die they just had a choice to make. Either burning or suffocating to death or jump out of the window dying quickly and painlessly. When someone has to make a choice like that you know that whatever is going on is a disaster. However, the death and destruction of 9/11 did not stop after that fateful morning. Health and mental problems caused people to die. After 9/11 people were so afraid to get on planes for traveling that everybody drove there was 1,000 deaths in automobile accidents from September 11-December 31st. The economic destruction caused by 9/11 is another reason why terrorism is a disaster. Two buildings in New York were completely destroyed surmounting into tens of billions however, the …show more content…

Terrorism is a different type of breed of disaster from a hurricane not saying that a hurricane isn’t awful both Sandy and Katrina are still effecting us today. However, terrorism is not some act of Mother Nature that we know about ahead months weeks or even days ahead of time giving us time to plan grab supplies etc. 9/11 was planned for months if not years and when it happened we as a country were not prepared for it or its fall

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