
Essay On African American Slavery

Satisfactory Essays

As an African American male in the south region of the United States, where slavery was once in full effect. I still am effected by some of the hardships that my ancestors once encountered over one hundred years ago. While I was at an upscale restaurant in the city of Atlanta, plenty of Caucasian people looked at my family and I as if we didn’t belong there. President Abraham Lincoln abolished slavery on April 8th, 1864. The abolition of slavery didn’t stop the mistreatment and the pain that plenty of Caucasians enforced on African Americans two hundred years before. As we follow times after the Emancipation Proclamation (which officially freed the slaves in the south), and make our way to the civil rights movement, we still see separation and violence between African Americans and Caucasians even in today’s society. …show more content…

Slaves were seen as a medium of exchange, they were compared to things such as gold or money. Slavery and mistreatment between two different races, genders, and religions have been seen around the world for centuries before American slavery. There was always a differentiation between two different groups of people. Slavery was very common in multiple parts of the world. Slavery in other parts of the world were different from the Western version of slavery that took place here in America hundreds of years ago. Wayne Alexander explains in “The Marketing of People: Slave Trade in the Ancient Near East” ancient slavery by writing, “A creditor could grab and make slaves of the concubines, wife, and children of a defaulting debtor because they were legally part of his property. The debtor might then exert every effort to pay the debt. If he were not successful, the creditor then could sell the concubines, wife, and children for they might be more marketable than an aging creditor. And unless the debt was paid and the family redeemed, they remained as slaves for the rest of their lives”

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