
Essay On Anthrax

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Chelsea paddy Article 1 Why is the pentagon shipping anthrax all over the place in the first place? imagine back in the early 2000's when anthrax was a major concern for people all over the world and begin to ask why were they really shipping live anthrax all over back then? the u.s government thought it would be safe to ship live anthrax over state to state and country to country without having any problems,peolpe at the pentagon became worried about anthrax and where it's being shipped. it's also talking about what happened on 9\11 and what happened a few days after the attack, letters were laced with live anthrax and it was sent to members of congress and the media. when the fbi traced the mailing it was leading back to an army lab in …show more content…

there are somany what if's possibilities that could've happened while shipping it. Plane could've crashed and blew up with live anthrax being every where the plane crashed and whoever is the town the plane crashed in will be affected by it. I never even knew about the whole anthrax scared and the one major anthrax incident in the u.s following days of 9\11 attacks there were letters laced with live antrax adn sent to memebers of congress, 5 people were killed and 17 others were infected.The fbi traced back the mailing to a an army lab in maryland. That's a big problem and very shocking to know a U.s armylab in maryland sent some live anthrax to members of the congress. why would a lb in the u.s do something like that? that's very strange to me ad\nd unsettling becasue we've been so used to people out the u.s trying to harm us rather than some our own ion the U.s harming us. It's very confusing to as to why that would happen. It's shocking and scary to actually know something like that really happened in U.S. Also it's shocking to know it happened righ after 9\11 attack happened, why would someone do that after such a dragstic

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