I adore reading autobiographies like American Sniper by Chris Kyle because I enjoy learning another person’s perspective of life and what kind of obstacles they have over to get to the position that they are in. I also enjoy reading political articles from websites like CNN for example because I relish researching what is happening in the United States and around the world and how the economy is structurally running. I prefer writing argumentative essays because I savor trying to influence others why I am above them in certain topics. I am a visual learner and would like to be a part of unified environment which I can work alongside small groups in order to accomplish team tasks. My major is computer science and my goal is to be a software engineer, working at huge industries like Apple or Boeing, …show more content…
Last semester in English 101, every writing assignment I was ever given, I tend to struggle with not rereading my own work for grammar checks, punctuation, and sentence structure and also being a full-time student while working a part-time job gives me less time to complete my work, which is why I always would receive B’s or C’s on each writing assignment. So this semester, I’m committed to not make the same mistake again by making sure I reread my essay before I turn it in and start my assignments ahead of time so I could finish it early. By doing so, this would help me not only get an A in English 103 but, help me when I transfer to a four year university and in applications when I apply for
Chris Kyle was said to be the best American sniper of all time. He has the record to prove it too, with over 160 confirmed kills. Chris served four tours in the Iraq War. He created and an autobiography about his tours, and his experiences while overseas. His book, and his story, were later turned into American Sniper.
I am Chris Kyle , also known as American sniper. I was born on April 18, 1974 in Odessa, Texas. I grew up on a ranch, and was always outside hunting for deer and quail. When I was in high school I played football and baseball. After high school I went to Tarleton State University and studied agriculture there for two years; I later joined the Navy in 1999. I served for nearly 11 years before discharging on November 4, 2009. I served 4 tours in Iraq, and had 160 kills, which is the current record for the U.S. Navy. I was able to earn 2 silver and 5 bronze star awards. I later decided to write a book about my experience. My book was released in 2012 and was a bestselling novel. I was murdered on February 2, 2013 by Eddie Ray Routh, an ex marine.
American Sniper, is that about some sniper that is fighting for our country? Why is he so important? Well you’re about to find out. The book American Sniper, by Chris Kyle, is an autobiography of his life.
The reason I’m taking English 100 is to get myself into English 101. I didn’t score high in the placement test so I started from English 98, and now I’m in English 100. So baby steps I was never really good in English or writing essays I always had a huge struggle with it. Trying to make my paragraphs flow but I know I’ve gotten much better since I’ve started from the bottom and little by little making my way up. I prefer not to take English but its mandatory to take to get my Associates Degree. My expectations in this class is to not struggle writing essays being confident knowing I can pass this class with a B average. I want to be able to learn to correct my own paper, and not having so many errors. My weakness in English is having
During the first semester of English 1101 there were times I struggled but, I did see progression in my work along the way. Looking back on my writings from previous years, my teachers have always noticed the amount of detail I put into my papers. What the noticed I struggled in was sentence structure and excessive use of run-ons. Turning in my first writing assignment this year, I noticed those problems were still there. I understood I needed to work on my simple mistakes in order to be at the college level writing that I’m expected to be at next year.
English classes are very important if you want to pursuit your academic goal, and there are a lot of things that I learned about academic writing in this semester. At first, I thought that it was going to be easy as long as I kept doing my brief assignments on time and showing up in classes. However, I was wrong, English is hard, especially if you are an international student because the methods of writing an essay are different. Though, I decided to take English 1301 because I wanted to be able to write something that would make it easier for a reader to understand, and of course to make me get good grades in other classes assignments. Also, because I didn’t know the difference between writing a rhetorical analysis essay and writing a normal
English 101, according to Professor Wortman's syllabus, is a course that helps students "develops writing skills by focusing on strategies and techniques writers use to convey ideas, evaluate information, make a point, and participate discourse communities. Emphasizes both the process and the product of writing" (Wortman). I, as a student in English 101 Class, know better than anyone else that in order to earn an A, a student should come to class, actively participate in-class activities, complete the work that assigned and follow the professor's instructions as well as being respectful towards the professors and the students. Even though, I am currently having an A in this class, I am aware that I might not be able to maintain the grade that
As a new immigrant, I took the accuplacer test and went straight to 111 English level. So, English 111 course became my first college English class. It seems like a great achievement for a French speaker. Nonetheless, this performance linked to significant challenges. Even though I am a fighter and an optimist, I was frightened about my academic achievement for this semester. The problems became bigger when I took my first practice test on sentence structure (fragments and run-ons) and got a D. I was frightened and felt that I will have to drop the class. However, I decided not to give up. I started working hard and had a V+ on the next test. This positive grade energized me until now. During this semester, I have much homework and practices which allow me to identify some strengths, weaknesses, and gave me lots of skills for my English 112 class and the future.
Throughout the English 101 course, I believe I have thoroughly improved in my writing, peer editing, and analyzing readings, along with annotating my thoughts, misunderstandings, and difficulties. I believe I have especially improved on my thesis statements, providing the basis for my essays. My thesis statements have went from being plain and uninteresting to being more detailed, clear, and concise. This enabled me to produced better written essays that are rich in detail, rhetorical statements, evidence, and experiences. I feel as if I came into this course not exactly sure how to write a college paper. I was always more focused on the length of my essays rather than the structure, vocabulary, and ideas my papers were exhibiting. My writing now flows better and presents my ideas in a clear, organized fashion.
During the beginning of the English 101 when we began the writing process: I thought at first that we spent too much time on our essays but I soon realized how important it was spending time on the essays to improve them . The revisions that my teacher and classmates made on my essays were truly helpful for me because it allowed me to better my writing. For every week in the entire course we went over the MLA formatting process, annotating, citing within the essay, and how to make the paper flow better. I had the most troubles in this quarter when I started writing some of my essays for my portfolio because I didn’t have a clue how to start them at first. After a while of brainstorming ideas and seeing examples the teacher
The long June twilight faded into night. Dublin lay developed in darkness, but for the dim light of the moon that shone through fleecy clouds, casting a pale light as of approaching dawn over the streets and the dark waters of the Liffey. Around the beleaguered Four Courts the heavy guns roared. Here and there through the city, machine guns and rifles broke the silence of the night, spasmodically, like dogs barking on lone farms. Republicans and Free Staters were waging civil war.
I’ve learned a lot of useful tips from this semester in ENG 201. English has never been my strong suit nor has it been my favorite class. However this college course has changed my point of view of the subject. Prior coming into college I viewed English as a useless class because I’ve already knew the basics: how to talk, read and write essays. Today I view English as an important class. It helped me in other courses that involved writing, such as World Civilization and Communications, because it allowed me to practice my skills. In my world civilization exams I had to write essays. This course helped me write an impactful essay. I was pleasantly surprised to learn that almost all of my exam scores were in the 90s, usually I do poorly in the
Throughout the course of this semester in AP Lang, my eyes have been opened to many of the weaknesses I never knew I had in writing. Coming into this semester, I had heard about the difficulty of this class, but was not unduly worried about not receiving an A; I have always considered myself as a competent if not strong writer. However, after failing to attain desired grades on several important essays, I was devastated, and realized that although I had mastered the basics of grammar and writing, there was still much for me to work on. Also, I did not understand that much of my grade in AP Lang would be determined by speaking in front of others, which is not my strong suit. What I have come to find is that writing essays containing all of the new information we have learned throughout the semester, such as requirements for different types of essays and good writing strategies, takes a lot of work, time, and thinking. Unfortunately, my procrastination caused me to only get done what had to be done instead of putting in the extra work and truly understanding everything.
My end goal is to be able to work when I want to by age 50. So some of my career goals are to learn a trade that I love which is science, business, computers, and a tiny bit of sociology. These interests are what make me pursue certain career goals such as getting a job at a large corporation to learn science, business, and interact with people. The things that have helped shaped my career goals and interests are my friends, family, scientists, and books. I inherited a curiosity of the world from my family and friends and honed my curiosity, imagination, and sometimes eccentric ideas as well. I learned philosophy, laws of the universe, and what I am made of from the great scientists such as Feynmann, Einstein, MIchio Kaku, and many more. From
My last English class was English 2. English has never been the easiest subject for me. Through much trial and error I have overcome some things, yet fail to overcome others. While I am strong in being able to correct the mistakes I make in my writing, I need to strengthen my abilities in setting up my essay and finally overcome the difficulty I have with my reading comprehension skills.