
Essay On Bay Path College

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Being that my mother was a single mother, we had a close relationship, we were each other’s support. My sister and I had a bond beyond a normal sibling’s relationship, we were each other’s stability when there wasn’t any and each other support when we felt it was lacking. My sister and I were mature and very responsible at a young age, we seemed to have grown up fast. My mother nor father had gone to college, they were both educated in trades therefore, and college was never discussed. I research college, went on campus tours, applied to college and went on an interview with friends. I chose Bay Path College for many reasons but, many because it was not too far from home. I chose Legal Studies as my major, I’m not sure why, other than it sounded like an interesting career. Relationships were far from my mind and I avoided dating at all costs until the summer before college …show more content…

I graduated from college and found a job at a law office, the law in a practice sense was very different than the class room and I hated it. I remained best friends with my sister, my mother and I were still very close even though she was busy finding herself. I became very close with one friend who was my support, she accepted me without judgment and was a very significant person in my life. I was still in a relationship with the guy I met before college, he was four years older than myself and played the role of a father which, I was of the need of at this period of time in my life. We bought a house together when I was 22, I was focused on finances and renting seemed as if it was a waste of money. Looking back, this period of time had little obligations which gave me the ability to I travel and lived selfishly, although I was always anxious and overwhelmed. I wasn’t completely clear as to who I was and what I wanted to be. I was married at 25 however, was divorced two years

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