
Essay On Being American

Decent Essays

The dictionary definition of American is “a person born, raised, or living in the U.S.” (Merriam-Webster). But, there numerous meanings of this word rather than what’s written in the dictionary. Being in this remarkable first-world country is a privilege not everyone can have. In the United States of America, being an America means having the freedom to say, do, be, and believe in anything. Gallup states that freedom in the United States means “being ‘able to have our own ideas and beliefs, and being able to express [them], along with the freedom of being and individual who is different from others’” (Gallup, What Being American Means to Today’s Youth). The amount of freedom and independence America has makes it unique and different from the rest of the globe. The word ‘American’ also …show more content…

Although America is not the best nation out there, it is still important to have reverence towards it. “American patriotism…includes honor, loyalty, and bravery among others” (Cohen, Patriotism in the U.S.). Patriotic Americans are devoted to their country, which is what makes America and Americans very exceptional. The United States of America is known to be very economically successful and wealthy compared to the most countries in the world. But, the amount of money that America has cannot buy happiness for everyone. There are multiple statistics that show why America is not the utmost nation in the world. For example the New Economics Foundation (NEF) shows that people in America are not as happy as anticipated. The Happy Planet Index (HPI) of the United States is only 20.7. It is ranked as the same level as some of the poorest countries in the world, such as Afghanistan and Uganda. Another reason why America is not the greatest nation in the world is because of its poverty level. In the United States, 1 out of 6 people are in poverty, and the breach between the rich and the poor is expanding vigorously (Poverty Program, USA Poverty). That is about 45 million

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