
Essay On Bureaucracy

Decent Essays

The bureaucratic practices at BPJS Ketenagakerjaan based on Legal-rational authority According to Weber descriptions for three type of authority, it is arguable that BPJS Ketenagakerjaan (Jamsostek) is more influenced by legal-rational authority. The legal-authority which is in form of bureaucracy. In Indonesia, bureaucracy has been attached to a negative stigma. It is because the bureaucracy in indonesia's state enterprise and Organizational body are considered complex. The concepts of bureaucracy are applied in almost every act in these state’s company or organizational committee which also goes at BPJS ketenagakerjaan. Legal - rational domination basically stressing on efficiency to carry out a policy or program with least cost (Heper & …show more content…

For instance, the recruitment for the new employees are based on technical qualification. Then the employees are paid according their job qualifications, responsibilities and educational background. Thus, every person in BPJS Ketenagakerjaan has specific job and responsibilities according their job description. This is regulated at the company regulation. Also for the assessment of the staff, if staff wants a promotion, they need to be assessed by their superior. For instance, the staff should report their work to their superior and vice versa, the superior need to revise their subordinates, give recommendation and lastly decides whether the staff could get the promotion or not. The CEO and directors are also need to report his or her jobs performance to the president. However, this bureaucracy is tried to suppress. The management develops a new system called human capital infrastructure system (HCIS) to tackle this issues, where in this system the staff could arrange their own career planning. The assessment is changed to be more objective, it based on their factual merit not because likeness. This system accommodate the staff to express their capability like individual development

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