
Essay On Civil Rights And Inequality

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There are many examples of inequality among Americans in the course of history and we touched on a few of this in this class. The sad truth is that there will always be these issues and inequality no matter how much we try to fix them. What we can do is look through history at the issues and try our best to avoid repeating them. The fight for civil rights was an ongoing issue through this semester, and this paper will point out four examples of civil rights issues that we touched on throughout the semester.
The term “separate but equal” was a very common term in the fight for civil rights. It started in 1896 when the Supreme Court decided on the Plessy v. Ferguson case that determined that state laws could segregate public facilities as long as the facilities were “separate but equal.” This lasted until the 1954 Brown v. Board of Education case when the issue pertained to the separate public schools. The issue stemmed from the fact that the segregation of public schools was a violation of the Fourteenth Amendment, which basically stated that all Americans are granted equal rights. The main plaintiffs were Oliver and Linda Brown. Their daughter had to walk past an all-white school to attend her all-black school a mile away. They …show more content…

This was a big issue since the ratification of the Fifteenth Amendment. The Fifteenth Amendment was passed in 1870 and was supposed to protect the right to vote regardless of race. Although this law was put into place, there were “loopholes” for states to restrict voting access. This was through literacy test and grandfather clauses. In 1965, President Lyndon B. Johnson signed the Voting Rights Act that prohibited racial discrimination in voting. The act had provisions that prohibited any state or local government from imposing any voting law that discriminated against any racial minority (Goldfield et al, 2014). This act was possibly the most important civil rights legislation ever

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