
Essay On College Should Be Free

Decent Essays

Education would benefit everyone, there are more knowledge base jobs and
Education should be free; college is not affordable these days. People are paying more out for their education. To be a successful person you will have to build a career and that start from college. In other country’s college is free for example Germany, Denmark, Sweden, Iceland, Finland, Mexico, and Brazil. K-12 education is free because it is good for the society, which makes it good for individuals. A college degree is a more stable for individuals in society, people that struggled in high school find a way out by earning a degree. Stat say that if you graduate from college you tend to smoke less, commit fewer crimes, draw less on social welfare programs, and also generate …show more content…

President Obama has support free community college to be free for all. The economics doesn’t have a debt relief program for students. They are raising the rate of default and delinquencies which make it hard for the students to repay their loans. The cost of college is to high but yes people know its inexpensive if you go to a two year community college vs. a private college which you could get in an out of (Ross, 2014). There are pros and cons when you go to a private college which the tuitions is incredible high to even afford it. You might fail out the program, which you would have wasted your money on, and not to mention your time. Private schools you have to beware of because you actually might not know what you are getting into once its said and done. There is no turning your back once you sign them papers. There should be a law for private college not to cost as high more affordable. It should not have to take you 30 years to repay your student loans. In the united states we have turn the right to education as a debt trap you will have to work twice as hard to get your school debt

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