
Essay On Community Service Learning

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1. Background
My Community Service Learning (CSL) placement was spent as an event planning assistant at the Assembly of First Nations (AFN), located on unceded Algonquin territory in Ottawa. The mandate of the organization is to provide national-level advocacy for First Nations policy issues in Canada, as directed by the Chiefs from across the country at bi-annual assemblies. The AFN receives its mandate from resolutions passed at these assemblies, and is accountable to over 630 First Nations, as well as urban and rural First Nations peoples, through this process (Assembly of First Nations, 2017a). My placement fell into the Social Development secretariat, which works on such topics as early learning and child care, First Nations child and …show more content…

I was involved in communications planning, invitations to the public and targeted participants, a reception for guests, and the arrangement of honoured guests’ attendance.

3. Case Study and Reflection
My Community Service Learning hours were spent performing many tasks related to the coordination of the National Day of Action. I had the opportunity to participate in a variety of activities to prepare for the event and to see the event planning from start to finish. During my placement, I was responsible for creating a task list for the event, accessing permits and planning logistics, preparing for internal briefings, contacting school boards, arranging with an Algonquin Elder and Drum Group to host the event, and arranging travel for our honoured guests. In order to accomplish these tasks, I prepared briefing notes, worked with a travel agent and hotel partner, liaised with the Communications department regularly, and drafted letters for local school boards, universities and colleges in Ottawa, and Ottawa-area Indigenous service centres. I worked closely with the Social Development secretariat staff to fulfill the requirements of these goals and ensured all tasks were completed to the highest degree of satisfaction for the Director.
During my placement, I also had the opportunity to learn more about the current state of First Nations child and family services in Canada, including the disparities in funding and the

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