
Essay On Dandyism

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DANDYISM IN ITALY Past and Present INTRODUCTION Dandyism in general, refers to a man who is particularly refined and takes a priority on his physical appearance. However, many argues that the meaning of dandyism is beyond the immaculate physical appearances. Dandyism is a study of elegance, sophistication and refinery that is reflected not just through what one wears, but through one’s act as well. A dandy was frequently associated with being an aristocrats, but during the late 18th century, many of the dandies were middle class men imitating the lifestyle of the aristocrats. The English are the pioneers of Dandyism, with the icon being George Beau Brummel. However in the world of today, the Italians are always praised for their distinctive, fashionable style and are always associated with the idea of dandyism. In fact, dandyism is more frequently associated with Italian men today as compared to the English men. I find this truly fascinating and thus, this essay is to explore the history of Italian Dandyism, what brings it to the fame it enjoys today and what is the difference between dandyism in the past and present. HISTORY OF DANDYISM Historically, …show more content…

However, Dandyism does not seem changes regardless of how long was the gap between the past and the present. Dandyism itself, is a celebration of refinery and a sophistication of a man. It was and still is, a way to express one’s self. The idea of Dandyism, is timeless. Even when the structure or design of menswear changes, dandyism will still exist and stays true to its meaning. Moreover, between the style of Gabriele D’annunzio and the style of Robert Mararo, there was no significant difference except for the fact that Gabriele possessed a more classic style whilst Mararo is bolder and more experimental. I think it is arguable that menswear hardly changes ever since the 1900s and this resulted to how Dandyism in the 1900s is similar to what it is

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