
Essay On Don Pedro In Shakespeare's Much Ado About Nothing

Decent Essays

Don Pedro begins the middle of Much Ado About Nothing as his normal cheerful self. His best friend, Claudio, is getting married to Hero,which he set up, so Don Pedro was really thrilled,but has a schedule. “I do but stay till your marriage consummated and then I go toward Arragon” (Shakespeare 20), Which he can connect to the song “Life is a Highway” by Tom Cochrane, the lyrics, “When there’s one day here the next day is gone” (Cochrane N.P.). The lyrics connects to how he feels because Don Pedro has a schedule that he needs to stay on, he is going to stay until Hero and Claudio marriage is consummated.Off he goes, Therefore, Don Pedro is living day by day. Don Pedro admires love, as we know in acts one and two, so much, he tries to make Benedick admit he is in love with Beatrice, “Indeed, that tells a heavy tale for him: conclude, conclude he is in love” (Shakespeare 21). This connects him to the lyrics “Lovers soar” (Cochrane N.P.). This connects how he is feeling because he admires love, all he wants is for Benedick to admit he is in love and for Hero’s and Claudio’s wedding to go well. the lyrics means all lovers should be free to be them, to love. Thus, Don Pedro is happy to see everyone is in love, which is his normal self. …show more content…

He feels betrayed, shocked, which connects him to the song “ Shocked” by Kylie Minogue. The lyrics “True love is hard to find” (Minogue N.P.), the lyrics represents to how Don Pedro feels because he feels like he failed because he was going to let his best friend marry Hero, who they think is not a maid, if they got married his honour would be ruined because she isn’t a maid, he can’t believe it Hero would do that because Hero had the perfect image. Therefore, Don Pedro shocked that Hero is disloyal and not a

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