2020 marks for the 50th anniversary of the first Earth Day; the focus will be to end plastic pollution (Earth Day). The first Earth Day was held on April 22, 1970, it was celebrated all throughout the United States. Currently, it's a global event that people from all over the world celebrate. Before the movement started in the 1970’s, a great oil spill happened in Santa Barbara, California 1969. Thus, the oil spill encouraged Senator Gaylord Nelson to have a day, to specifically focus on helping the environment and teach the public about natural disasters (History of earth day). As a result a year later, millions of people went to the streets protesting for the negative impacts of more than a hundred years of industrial development on the environment. The natural environment has been on a road of destruction ever since the industrial revolution. In addition, humans are overwhelmed with gaining wealth that they have ignored the natural environmental needs for hundreds of years. It can be said that this movement has been a great success in protecting the environment with all the participation of the civilians. There are three main reasons why Earth Day is successful: The first, is the strong focus of the movement, which promotes public awareness of pollution problems, the second, is all the positive influence the main media has have for the movement, and lastly, is the overall knowledge that people receive after participating in an Earth Day activity.
First, Gaylord Nelson
The supply and demand are the main driving forces within this market, it can cause a change instantaneously overnight, and these cost issues are immediate to the consumer. There could be a fire in one of the local refineries causing product shut down, this can create a panic at the pump as well. There are many reasons why this product is so volatile, it cost too much money to refine and thereby is restricted in the method of refining. Supply means that there is a large supply available for product usage, pricing goes down, too much product, if the Demand is exact opposite occurs and there is short supply and the pricing is extremely quick to be changed at the pump. The markets can be also affected; they can be changed no matter how far the original production occurs, economics are disturbed, countries global markets respond to higher cost factors to operate business development causing inflation to jump to higher records slowing down global progress.
In my junior year of high school, I decided that I wanted to plan a college and career day. Over the years, equity in education has become a very important topic to me. When I have ventured out into schools with higher funding then my school, the difference in available resources is very obvious. I believe that every child is entitled to the same resources no matter what their background is. Consequently, over a Christmas break me and a friend started planning the fair. We invited three colleges, and ten different speakers who each had a different career. While the fair was rather small, I think that day everyone took something valuable from it. No student at my school had organized an event like this on their own. My class saw that day that even teenagers are capable of creating the change they want to see around them. After that day I saw more people advocating for themselves and having dialogue with our school's administration.
Jem Finch in To Kill A Mockingbird “To kill a Mockingbird” by Harper Lee is set a small town called Maycomb in Alabama, in the 1930s. The community of Maycomb is of mixed ethnicity and like most places of that time the white people believe they were the dominant race. The book is seen through the eyes of two children: Jem and Scout Finch who are growing up in this society. As Jem gets older he becomes conscious of the fact that this community and these adults who surround him are not always right and this makes him feel lost. Jem is older than Scout and clearly remembers his mother.
Discuss ONE circumstance that led to the end of the Athenian Golden Age. Introduction During the Golden Age, Athens was admired by other city-states in regard to their governmental structure, education, architectural designs, science, philosophy and writers. In essence, they were the epicenter of various creative learnings, hence, attracting sophists men and tourists into the state. Despite its achievements during the Delian League and the establishment of its empire, Murphy’s Law, “what goes up, must come down,” seems to have validated this theory correlating to the end of the Athenian Golden age.
Environmental scanning can be viewed as a way of acquiring information about outside events that can aid organizations in first identifying potential trends, then interpreting them
Gaylord Nelson, a Wisconsin Senator, and an environmentalist who was the one who developed Earth day. He was inspired by the anti war protests, so in 1969, he announced that the whole nation should join Earth day. Cities around the country were participating in the event, over 200 million were involved with Earth day. The government needed to know that the planet was in danger and things need to change. “The objective was to get a nationwide demonstration of concern for the environment so large that it would shake the political establishment out of its lethargy,” Senator Nelson said, “and, finally, force this issue permanently onto the national political agenda.” Due to this event, Acts were passed, “During the 1970s, a number of important pieces of environmental legislation were passed, among them the Clean Air Act, the Water Quality Improvement Act, the Endangered Species Act, the Toxic Substances Control Act and the Surface Mining Control and Reclamation Act.” (history.com). “Since 1970, Earth Day celebrations have grown. In 1990, Earth Day went global, with 200 million people in over 140 nations participating, according to the Earth Day Network (EDN), a nonprofit organization that coordinates Earth Day activities. In 2000, Earth Day focused on clean energy and involved hundreds of millions of people in 184 countries and 5,000 environmental groups, according to EDN.”(
Annually on April 22, over a billion people in 190 countries take action for Earth Day. Our actions include cleaning up around our office buildings, homes and communities. It is encouraged that everyone does something next week on Earth Day. The act can be as simple as picking up a piece of trash; every little bit helps!
New laws were made to protect drinking water and established smokestack standards. The first “Earth Day”, happened on April 22, 1970, and it was meant to be a day where students could learn about the Earth. More than 12,00 high schools and colleges suspended class for a day to learn about Earth, and thousands of Elementary schools picked up trash and litter (Stewart 51). Hundreds of thousands gathered in New York, and Washington DC to show support for the new concern and protest the abuse of land, air, water, and wildlife (Stewart 51). There was also a big kick on air pollution. Many gas stations held up signs saying “no gas”, so the gas stations still open had lines going for miles. The waits would last for several hours (Stewart
It has come to my attention that our nation is in the middle of earthweek. At a time when we all stop, as Americans, and take a look at all of the great accomplishments we have made that we could have possibly overlooked while running around with our busy schedules. We recognize our efforts to create powerful industries and production plants that produce endless chemical compounds and new materials. The discovery and use of fossil fuels, of which has fed our automobiles and at times added a protective coating to our shores and beaches. The men and women who clear the land and provide the materials for our homes. And what about electricity? The greatest discovery of all time. We must not forget about the men
to be grown trees have to be cut down and I have explained the effects
WWF has also started many other interesting programs. One of these programs is Earth Hour which is a global event that is “held on the last Saturday of March annually, asking households and businesses to turn off their non-essential lights and other electrical appliances for one hour to raise awareness towards the need to take action on climate change” ("World Wildlife Fund"). WWF began in a small town in Switzerland by normal people and become one of the most involved and dedicated charitable organization the world has ever seen.
For quite some time, life on earth has been nothing but peaches and cream for several people and because of people who live a non-sustainable life, it has left others with an indistinct outlook on earth’s future. Sustainability to me is doing things that will help prevent harmful things from happening to the environment now and in the future. With the support of the sustainability and more quality ways of living, the Earth Charter is gradually introduced. Through key research I will explain what the Earth Charter is and why it was founded, describe one of its four parts along with the goals and overarching philosophy, and share the impact it has on my life now and in the future.
In the United States, we consume more energy from oil than from any other energy source. In 2014 the total amount of petroleum consumed in the United States was about 19 million barrels per day. As we look into making the world a more eco friendly environment, I ask the question; what are some alternatives of oil and the effects of the alternative.
H-O-M-E 4 letters with deep meaning. Home is our shelter, our family, and place where your heart is. Earth is our home, our live depend on what the earth provide and we cannot live a second without the thing that the earth provides. At the beginning, God have created the earth completely balance with its function. The forest stands as the heart of the earth because trees provide human oxygen and absorb the carbon dioxide. The earth cooled, the water vapor condensed and fell in torrential downpours at the right distance of the sun not too far and not too near. The earth perfect balance enables to conserve water. The water cut channel is like the veins of the earth body. Everything has been designed perfectly link to each other’s. We cannot imagine if the living things in the earth did not link to each other, how can a human survive. Trees cannot live without water and sun, Human
As times change meaning of words adapts and harmonize with its society. For example, family was limited to solely blood lines. In spite of that, the word family is more of emotional importance. Now, with this freedom 21st century families are unique and vary so much. My family is my sister and I. We have so many blood relatives; however, she is mi famailia. Our history, our understanding for one and other, our willingness to forgive each other, and leaning on each other makes her mi familia.