
Essay On Friar Lawrence In Shakespeare's Romeo And Juliet

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In the tragedy Romeo and Juliet many characters died. The person who was behind this tragedy was Friar Laurence. The Friar started his mischief by getting Romeo and Juliet married. Then he gave the potion to Juliet and lastly the Friar left Juliet at the tomb. The first clear mistake Friar Laurence made was allowing Romeo and Juliet to get married. Without getting the two married,their relationship or love would hot have been that strong. The Friar says “For by your leaves you shall not stay alone Till holy church incorporate two in one” (2.6. 37-38).The Friar is allowing the two to get married without the permission of Capulet. Friar Laurence should have have stopped Romeo from falling in love at first sight. The Friar should have not agreed to marry them. He says to Romeo “Holy Saint Francis! What change is here!/Is Rosaline,that thou didst love so dear,/so soon forsaken?/Young men’s love then lies/Not truly in their hearts,but in their eyes” (2.3.66-69). The Friar is saying to Romeo that he should not fall in love so quickly because Romeo just forgot about Rosaline. The Friar should have talked Romeo out of the idea of marriage. The Friar should have known that two feuding families would not get along or hate each other will come …show more content…

The Friar says to Juliet “Take thou this vial,being then in bed/ And this distilling liquor drink thou off”(4.1.94-95). The Friar should have thought of a different idea or remedy to advise to Juliet.The Friar should have reassured that Romeo would get the letter himself than getting another person to do it. The Friar says “Shall Romeo by my letter know our drift/And hither shall he come and he and I”(4.1.115-116). He is saying that Juliet should not worry because he has a foolproof plan that Romeo will certainly

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