
Essay On Glucose Monitoring Lenses

Decent Essays

Application to the medical field of a glucose monitoring lenses For this new techonology to reach its full potential, it must be integrated into an Electronic medical Record, “EHR”. This integration will result into a comprehensive and interactive blood glucose monitoring, forecasting a new paradigm in medical care. A stand alone device will only perpetuate the current status quo by having an instrument measuring and collecting data to only be stored into memory following usage, without providing the subject with any rescourse on how to construe any meaning from the data and act upon it. Integrated into an “EHR”, this monitoring device, with the current blood glucose results transmitted, will allow the diabetic subject to immediately and …show more content…

This message from the antenna now is printed on a monitor screen for reading (33). However, the data transmission does not end at this step, for in our conceptual model, the result must ultimately reach an “EHR”. We foresee this process been accomplished through wireless communication as it will be more convenient for a diabetic person not to carry around an ethernet cable, but to be able through blue-tooth, WBAN, Zeeg Bees, and other wireless protocole to transfer his or her glucose level results to a network. In our quest to find an appropriate “EHR” to integrate the blood glucose monitoring device we have considered several platforms, but we came to realize that CERNER EMR will be the more suitabe for several reasons. Cerner is a collection of “EHR” that addresses the needs of electronic medical records in almost all the healthcare field. For a company to have on the market more than 15 “EHR” may sound bizzare, but also it points to the complex needs of the medical field going from stand alone medical office to large conglomera of hospital chain like New York Presbytherian, NYU and others, from small practice like urgent care to specialized large surgical suite. Its diversity points to its capability to adapt to different environments, thus making it suitable to integrate mobile technology such as the glucose monitoring lenses. Another element playing in favor of “Cerner” is its interoperability capacity. According to CERNER

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