With a body like a torpedo and a mouth like a black hole, it’s nearly impossible to not think about this miraculous predator as you float on the surface of the great blue sea. Even though the great white is virtually the perfect predator, an attack on a human is unlikely and for the attack to be fatal is even more unlikely. Being at the top of the food chain the shark has few threats. Orcas and larger sharks are their only fear. Ironically, human interaction poses the biggest threat to the sharks. They are caught and their fins and jaws are sold. Great whites can grow between 15 and 20 feet in length and weigh up to 5,000 lbs. making them the largest predatory fish in the world. Males reach maturity around 10 years old while females mature later between 14 and 16 years of age. Females also grow to become much larger than males. Not much is known about a great white shark’s mating rituals because it has never been witnessed but it is known the eggs hatch in the female’s womb and the pups feed on the unfertilized eggs. Females give birth to between ten and twelve pups a litter. They are commonly found along the coasts of Australia, South Africa, California and the northeastern United States. The sharks like to stay in warmer waters because it’s where their prey is found. Although the like to hover near the surface they have …show more content…
This is because they do not survive, they need open water, they get depressed in captivity and they are super expensive to keep. The record for a great white kept the longest in captivity is 44 days in a million-gallon tank housed at the Monterey Bay Aquarium. Before that the record was held at SeaWorld with 10 days. Luckily if you want to get up close and personal with these beasts there are other ways to do so such as boat tours and getting in an underwater cage where you are almost touching them. So, it’s not completely impossible to admire these perfect
The Great White Shark is the top predator of the ocean, meaning that it is not hunted by other animals in the waters. The Great White has been listed as an endangered species due to the over hunting of them for shark teeth and there fins.
In “What do you know about sharks?” by Sharon Guynup and “Great White Sharks” by Peter Benchley the clique thought of the “anthropophagous”, savage, and villainous shark is turned on its head. The two articles take widely accepted myths and debunk them with facts. Evidence that supports that the fish aren’t the vicious marine people-eaters that the media has depicted them as has been found. In this text the findings on the animal will be explored. This is the shark’s Real Bite.
An encounter with a shark is not something that many people really want to experience. The movie Jaws definitely put the fear of the ocean into many people. Sharks have been all over the media lately; Shark Week on the Discovery Channel just ended, and several attacks have been reported over the last few months. However, on a happier note, a beached Great White was saved this weekend in Cape Cod by beachgoers who sympathized with the struggling animal.
Peter Benchley the author of Jaws said, “Without sharks , you take away the apex predator of the ocean, and you destroy the entire food chain”. My paper’s main idea is how Great White Sharks survive in the ocean. Like how they hunt and how their features help it hunt,hide,and survive.
Unluckily, after many rescue and first aid attempts to stop the bleeding he passed away at the scene. Most killings triggered by shark incidents are from blood loss as arteries are frequently shattered. The distress and fright the bystanders would’ve sensed that day from the attack would encourage them to believe killing the Great White is the best clarification. ‘This shark has tasted human flesh and will kill again. This ‘rogue’ shark must be hunted down and killed so that our beaches are safe’ (SACE Stage 2 , n.d.). However, as a personal opinion; I believe the Great White Shark should be conserved as there is no real advantage if its shot. The attack itself is such a rare event, it tends to only be one or two bites, and consequently scientists believe it a fault when these incidents/attacks happen. ‘Shark attacks on humans only occur when the shark mistakes us for their normal prey of seals and dolphins and then, realising their mistake, sense us by their bite and spit us out’ another reason why they are attacking us is because us humans are swimming in their environment which they call home and they are just protecting themselves just like we protect ourselves from danger. (SACE Stage 2 ,
Since, 2008-2016 the most deadliest sharks are the Great Whites and Tiger shark. The Great White has 273 attacks and the Tiger shark has 137 attacks. Most sharks attack by mistaken identity from a seal. Sharks don’t like the taste of human flesh because they are used to thick tissue.(Rhett)
Sharks have streamlined bodies and a special set of organs which makes sharks special from other fish. When sharks attack, they have a special lining that moves over the eye to protect the eye from debris in the water. This lining, however, renders the sharks blind sometimes missing their prey, this is why they usually come out of the water or “breach” into the air during an attack. They are not really good swimmers, but sharks can swim very fast,
In fact, humans currently hunt sharks for food, medicine, leather, jewelry, and liver oil; however, sharks are worth more alive than they are hunted and sold. In agreement with the article, “Great White Sharks”, by Peter Benchley, living sharks are worth more revenue, particularly in a tourist town. In the text, it states, “ Gradually governments and individuals are learning that while a dead shark may bring ten or twenty or even fifty dollars to a single fisherman, a live shark can be worth thousands of dollars more in tourist revenue to a community” (Source B). For instance, tourists would pay great deals of money to see a live shark in its natural habitat. Overall, most humans have a negative perspective of sharks, wanting to kill them for their resources; however, it is clear that sharks are worth more alive than dead.
Since the late 2000’s, two studies have shown that the Great White Sharks population in the Atlantic and Pacific Oceans are on the rise after a harsh decline in the 70’s and 80’s (Landen and Landen, 2014). Great White Sharks population is increasing with over 2,210 adults in the Australasian area, but they are lacking in data of juvenile sharks in the region and there are likely to be an excess of 8,000 to 10,000 sharks (Australian Geographic, 2018). So, even if one shark was killed for
In my opinion, people should start to protect the sharks because they have the misunderstanding of it. Most of the people believe sharks are stronger, cruel and evil than the other animals, even humans. In contrast, sharks are less powerful than people thought, it still easy to be captured by the human and be cut off their fins. However, why people misunderstand the sharks? I think this may cause by the media. Because sharks have a negative image in many movies, comics and cartoon. The producer always shapes them like a bloody murder, everyday bully or eat the others marine organisms. Although, sharks have the lovely appearance but constantly be showed them annoying behavior in the cartoon. So, people always associate sharks are wicked which should be killed. It seems media imperceptible to constitute a misconception of sharks in our mind from our childhood. Sometimes, the editor must vilify the sharks because they need to meet the people expectation. Nowadays, if the news only reports how sharks are playful and positive, it cannot draw audience attention. Therefore, the editor needs to exaggerate description of sharks, so this can increase people's fear and the advertiser can gain more money. Besides, we always can see shark fins on many Chinese banquets, which can show off how rich they are. This induces more and more
Sharks are the top predators. But frankly, they are starting to vanish out of oceans every day. The sharks biggest enemy are humans. Us humans will kill sharks for food. Sometimes people will even take shark teeth and turn them into jewelry. Humans also will cut off the shark’s skin, and turn it into leather. If you find that disturbing, did you know that some individuals will cut out the shark’s liver and make it into a type of medicine?
The great white shark has two types of muscles-red and white. Red muscle is aerobic; thus, it needs oxygen to function. This muscle contains myoglobin. The main function of the red muscles is used just for swimming. The white muscle is anaerobic-doesn’t need oxygen. White muscles primarily function for sudden bursts of speed when
Both these sharks feed on fish and the Great White is also known to feed on larger prey. The Great White Sharks have been known to attack humans swimming and surfing in the seas. The Tiger Shark is approximately 4.5 meters long and has a reputation for eating a wide range of animals and even inanimate objects. They have found license plates in the stomach of a Tiger Shark. Because of its discernment regarding food, this shark is one of the most dangerous ones for human attacks. The Sand Tiger Shark, not to be confused with the Tiger Shark, even though large, is relatively peaceful and will only attack if provoked. The Nurse Shark will reach approximately 4.3 meters and favor shallow temperate waters. The Blue Shark prefers the deep, cooler waters of the tropical and temperate oceans. They can give birth to large litters from 25 to 100 pups at one time. The Mako Shark vary in length between 2.7 to 4.5 meters. These sharks are in the same family as the Great White Sharks so they can be fairly aggressive. The most aggressive shark is the Bull Shark. This shark is known as being unpredictable and aggressive even towards humans. Many of the attacks and fatalities recorded each year is from this shark. The Bull Shark is found in warm, shallow waters and can live in both freshwater and saltwater environments. In fact, it is said that JAWS was based on a Bull Shark, but since the Great White is a better looking,
Every Jaws fan knows the shark gets it in the end. What they do not know is that too many sharks have gotten it; and that has caused a rapid decline in the shark population over the past thirty years. Since the 1970's, sharks of the Atlantic and Gulf of Mexico shores have declined eighty-five percent. Sharks are vital animal to our world's ecosystem, and if the decline is not controlled; we could be facing devastating problems in years to come. Information has been obtained from two books: The Shark Almanac by Thomas B. Allen and Sharks, An Introduction for the Amateur Naturalist by Sanford A. Moss. Sources also include a number of online references, among them BBC News, ENS News, The New York Times, and two online scientific
Sharks are one of the most feared carnivores in the sea. There are 365 species of of sharks in the sea as we know today. All sharks are carnivores. Most of them eat live fish, including other sharks. A shark's most common natural enemy is an another shark. Most sharks eat their prey whole, or they tear off large chunks of the bodies. Some sharks crush their prey. Others take out small pieces off flesh from large fish. Sharks also feed on dead or dying animals. Sharks have the reputation of attacking human beings. But less than 100 shark attacks a year are reported throughout the world. Sharks are most common in warm seas and oceans. Whale sharks, are the largest shark known to man. Sharks are classified in the order