
Essay On Hawaii

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Hawaii Aloha, welcome to the paradise to the pacific. All though these volcanic islands mostly have very green and tropical vegetation. There is a total of eight islands with the island of Hawaii being the biggest and Oahu island being the main one.

Hawaii was the 50th state and enter the union on August 21, 1959. There so much more stuff that happened that most people don’t know about the islands. Around 1200 Tahitian exploders found and began settling the area as well. Polynesian settlers to the 10th century. So then the Hawaiian civilization would be separated from the rest of the world for another 500 years until the arrival of the British. The americans within the kingdom government rewrote the constitution, severely curtailing the power of king “david” Kalakaua and the rights of Native Hawaiians to vote. Queen Liliuokalani attempted to restore the the old royal powers in 1893 and was overthrown by business with help from the US military. On the night of February 13th one of the two long boats were stolen by the Hawaiians. Cook tried to kidnap the …show more content…

Pele’s curse says that any visitor who takes rock or sand away from the Hawaii islands will suffer bad luck until the native Hawaiian elements are returned. The warning is ubiquitous in Hawaii, but it is a modern legend and some people attribute it to a disgruntled park ranger who was sick of people carting off rocks on his watch. Still others think tour guides made up the curse to discourage tourists from bringing dirt and sand onto the buses. Either way, each year hundreds of visitors send packages back to Hawaii full of rocks, sand, and other natural materials in an effort to relieve their consciences and change their luck. Also another one i found was, Don’t Take Pork Across The Pali witch

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