
Essay On Homelessness In America

Decent Essays

What are solutions to solving the issue of homelessness in the United States Of America? Well,One solution to help homelessness is stabilizing people through shelter and create more shelters. Another brilliant idea could be permanent housing .Also ,implementing programs to reduce cost and give more job options to people with no high school diploma and people who released from prison or jail .using these strategies helps a lot.One way of solving poverty is implementing programs to reduce cost to certain people.
Helping people by implementing programs for healthcare is an great way to stop poverty and hunger.According to the article Health care An economic driver “Another challenge for governments is how to fund health care, particularly as more people live longer. OECD health and finance ministers are concerned that this growing demand and further technological advances in modern medicine will increase pressure on public sector budgets.”(Reisen Helmut 23) This shows that people who live longer most likely need health insurance and, 10 percent of middle class citizens are in debt.

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“President Lyndon B. Johnson declared "unconditional war on poverty in America.'' We have made considerable progress since then in reducing the percentage of the population which falls under the official poverty line, but the fact remains that still far too many Americans are hungry and malnourished. Moreover, the extent of official poverty in our country does not acknowledge the numerically far greater problem of relative poverty”.(Wood, James R .1) This article tells about how 20 years ago president lyndon B Johnson declared an unconditional war on poverty in america .This shows that once before someone tried to improve poverty and hunger but no one continued the

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