
Essay On How To Deal With Writers Block

Decent Essays

Practices to Apply When Dealing With Writers Block
You find yourself staring at a blank page or worst, for me, a page full of words that only moments ago were being filled by the most imaginable action when boom! The mind suddenly goes blank, the words refuse to coming out or you can’t spit them out, and your hand stops moving.
What transpires is some sort of nothingness that slowly kills the idea. The well suddenly goes dry and there’s this silent void. Many times I experience such a nightmare, especially when there’s a deadline fast approaching!
Writer’s block! In choked desolation, a writer feels their muse had abandoned them. It’s one’s desperation – a terrible longing – for ideas and inspiration, like a stranded man desperate for water in the desert. It’s a disease of the mind, and worst, the death of …show more content…

The body is willing but the mind is not. For a writer, to refuse to write is blasphemy, but to be rendered unable to write is death. Writer’s block spells the end of a writer’s career and the death of literature and of languages should legions of writers suffer the same fate.
But just like with any disease, a cure to writer’s block is possible. As with death, resurrection is possible, at least in fiction). How could a writer overcome this? Or how should a writer deal with it?
As much as I dread writer’s block, I see it as an opportunity to take a much deserved break. Sometimes you just have to push away from your writing and take a break. We writers ought to rest. The situation we dread does call us to drop the pen or log off for a while and embark on activities other than writing.
Every writer has their own unique ways to overcome writer’s block. Listening to music has always been a huge motivation for me because it provokes feelings and emotions. It keeps my soul alive and my mind fresh – it opens me up for new ideas. The words and melodies sustain the soul. Know what I

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