10 Healthy Ways to Get Your Kids Exercising The world is full of temptations and distractions. These are impacting our health, whether we are adults or children. As parents, it’s important to teach kids about making healthy choices. To show them the tools that can improve their wellbeing, now and when they grow older. Physical activity is an important part of this puzzle. It’s important to support healthy eating choices with physical activity. For kids, at least one hour of each day should be spent up on their feet. This will make it easier to maintain a healthy weight and help their muscles and bones grow strong. Furthermore, children can even benefit in terms of improved confidence – not to mention the fun you can have staying active. …show more content…
Walking out the dog If your family has a dog, then you should divide the duties to take the dog out for a walk amongst yourselves. It’s a great form of exercise the child can do without supervision. Playing with a dog can be fun and your child might not even realise they are exercising. Playing Frisbee or other outdoor sport You can also just buy a bunch of Frisbees, footballs or basketballs and start playing with them outdoors. You can have a 15-minute session each afternoon. This will force the child to run around and do different activities. To make it more engaging, you could start a cup event with challenges and a prize for the monthly top performer. Jumping jacks while waiting You could also start a tradition during which you need to do jumping jacks while waiting for something. If the child is heating food on the microwave or waiting a sibling to come out of a bathroom, they could do jumping jacks. These small bursts of exercise are fun and encourage the child to view exercise as something you can do anywhere. Planking competitions Planking for a short period can be a good core strength exercise for kids. It’s a fun exercise as well and you can do it any point. Waiting for the food to cook? Have a little blanking competition! Watching TV and the ads come on? You could have a family planking competition. Build and fly a kite Exercise can be tied to other fun activities as well. For example, flying a kite can let your kids run around and stay active.
Parents who eat well and are physically active provide great examples for growing children, offering them a nutritious diet rich in vitamins and minerals provides them with the necessary nutrients to support healthy growth and development. Additionally encouraging active play and incorporating physical activities into daily life will help children build muscular mass and increase coordination and develop self confidence. While young children
The importance of physical activity to keep a child motivated, encouraged and confident is a great way to keep their mind busy in a more appropriate way. Supporting kids to engage in different activities may strike new interests in them, making this current issue easier to manage. Williams, Rhiannon. " Children Using Social Networks Underage 'exposes Them to Danger'" The Telegraph. Telegraph Media Group, 06 Feb. 2014.
Whilst playing the children will begin to learn skills such as balance and coordination, throwing, catching, running skipping and jumping however none of these skills can be learnt if the child does not learn the movement skills. They need to learn hand-eye coordination this is when the brain will learn to make the hands and eyes work together resulting in the children being able to play catch, foot-eye coordination this starts when babies begin to learn to walk up the stairs but can then be extended when the child learns to kick a ball, balance this is learnt over time depending on the age of the child, when the child begins to learn these skills through physical activity their central nervous system will also begin to develop which will in turn help their muscles, glands and organs. This is applied into my practice by taking the children in to thee garden. When in the garden I make obstacle courses for the children with crates that range it heights and sizes, tyres and the slide. It can very day to day to teach the children different things. But by using the different height crates it allows the children to learn to balance by themselves, the slide allows the children to climb. We also have balls that the children play with but depending on the age of the child would depend on how it is used. If the child is 18 months or younger then I would
Physical: To promote physical development, children will have many opportunities to engage in activities that will strengthen fine motor, gross motor and sensory skills. They will participate in art and craft activities that will allow them to refine the use of their hands and fingers for more precise movements and further develop their hand eye coordination. The children will have the opportunity to participate in several outdoor, large group gross motor activities. These activities are designed to improve coordination (when moving or standing still), balance, and spatial awareness during movement. There are also activities that will engage the children in tasting and touching to help further develop their sensory skills.
This also links the need for stimulation. Many children might not get the opportunity to run about at home so at my work setting we give the children allotted time everyday (about 45min daily) and take them to our outside area where they can run and play and get all the physical activity that they need. However, if it is raining outside we have a special area inside where they can still run about and have plenty of physical activity. We also promote this through planned activities in class to strengthen their bodies.
You have heard, time and time again, how good exercise is for children. Most children aren’t getting the suggested amount of exercise
Physical activity is an integral part of health and well being in children.Our bodies also require physical activity in order to be healthy.Understanding and supporting physical activity, will help children have the right foundation for a healthy and happy life.Positive experiences with physical activity at a young age promotes the growth if strong bones and muscles, help to develop good posture and balance, obesity risk and chronic disease risk infection are reduced.
Think of it, kids only go to Physical Education or “gym” class every other day of the week. So that is about two or three times a week. Gym class only lasts about an hour of the day, and for some students, this is the only physical exercise that they have. When kids come home from school, they usually just sit down on the couch and watch TV until dinner time, study, and then play video games late at night, and then go to bed. The way we can get kids to develop a habit of more physical exercise is having gym class every day instead of just two to three. Also, instead of kids playing games that involve little to no activity, Schools should have kids focus on things like getting your body moving like running, yoga or sports games like baseball, football or volleyball. Things like this that kids can look forward to doing everyday may potentially lead to a child more encouraged to play with a ball afterschool and find a new hobby instead of sitting at home on the
What activities and experiences you and your child have engaged in might be promoting healthy behavioral practices and an interest in physical activity?
2. It is also important for parents establish a routine of physical fitness into the child’s life. You could go for walk, go hiking, bike riding, or got them involved in sports at your local YMCA. If physical activity is not a part of the family’s life, it may be difficult for the child to pick up these habits and could be just an ongoing issue that gets passed on through generations.
of the poor outfit of the Knight. Instead he attempts to point out that the
During childhood our body and mind changes very fast. I believe that nowadays parents focus more on the brain developement of their children than their physical activity. When I was a little girl - over 20 years ago - we spent most of our time outside playing, running and enjoying fresh air and being in movement. Physical activity of children can secure them health and well being in their adulthood as well as teach them a lot of very importants aspects like social relations and behaviors in different situations.
Becoming increasingly more active is vital to combating and reducing obesity in children. Healthful, fitness habits, then, must be jumpstarted at institutions where all American children spend mandatory time, such as in a child’s school; evidently, “normal weight children get 16 more minutes of
Physical Activity is undeniably good for everyone, not only does it keep you fit and healthy but when started at a young age, it can set up good habits for life. Sometimes however, people do not take care of their physical wellbeing, resulting in obesity and other eating disorders which can be detrimental to their health.
We kept the children engaged with games, Tv shows, and sessions of activities such as storytelling and singing. We also performed some indoor sports which most kids did not want the session to end.